
Call for Paper dan Reviewer

JOINS (Journal of Information System) is an open access journal that publishes papers on Information Systems is seeking submissions of research papers in areas that include, Topics include: Design and Implementation System, Information Systems and Change Management, Decision Support System, E-Learning, E-Commerce, Methodology and Software Development, Knowledge Management System, Geographic Information System, Healtcare Information System, Enterprise Application Integration, Enterprise Resourse Planning, IT Governance, IT Management, Information Science and Technology.   Paper submission   Final papers should follow the JOINS (Journal of Information System) editorial policy and be submitted online in OJS system. Full details are available at Article Templates and Instructions on how to prepare paper for publication can be downloaded here Read more about Call for Paper dan Reviewer

Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Edisi Mei 2024
Published: 2024-07-15


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