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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word with extension *.docx
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

  1. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English language and following the instructions of writing that has been determined. Template for writing can be downloaded in the Download Template menu.
  2. Each year, there are two (2) periods of journal publishing. Edition of May (1) and November (2). The submission of manuscripts must be made no later than one month before the issue of the publication.
  3. All manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously by reviewers appointed by the editor according to their field of expertise. The decision for acceptance/rejection of the manuscript will be notified in writing via email. The author was given the opportunity for a week to make improvements (revised) manuscript based on recommendations/advice from reviewers and editors.
  4. Everything related to the licensing citations or use of computer software for the creation of a script or other particulars relating to intellectual property rights conducted by the authors of the article, the following legal consequences that might arise, therefore, be the sole responsibility of the author.
  5. The entire publishing process and review is free of charge.


  1. The systematics of writing includes at least the Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Suggestions, and Bibliography.
  2. Articles typed with 11-point letters with a row distance of one on A4 paper.
  3. The upper, lower, left and right sides are at least 2.5 cm.
  4. Articles are written as efficiently as possible according to needs, with lengths of materials ranging from 8-12 pages.
  5. All pages, including references and attachments, must be numbered on a page.

Systematics of Article Writing

  1. Abstract consists of 100-200 words in English and Indonesian. The abstract provides a summary of the purpose of the article, method, and review of the report. Abstract followed by keywords consists of 3-5 words to facilitate the preparation of index articles.
  2. Introduction, contains the research background, research objectives, and research contributions.
  3. Research Method, contains research design, research goals and targets (population and sample), data collection techniques, research models, and analysis techniques.
  4. Results and Discussion, contains the results of data analysis, testing hypotheses, answering research questions, findings and interpreting findings.
  5. Conclusions, present research conclusions, research limitations, and suggestions for further research.
  6. Suggestions, contains further research suggestions to improve or develop current research results.
  7. The bibliography contains the sources referenced in article writing.

Tables and Images (Graphs)

  1. Tables and images presented as efficiently as possible (only those that present results) and included in the manuscript. The tables and images displayed in the appendix are those that show the data processing.
  2. Tables and images numbered and full titles indicate the contents of the table or illustration.
  3. References to tables or drawings are given to the text.
  4. The author mentions the parts in the text, where the tables or images included.
  5. Tables or images should be interpreted without having to refer to the text.
  6. Table and Image sources must include.
  7. Images must be prepared in a printable form.


Each article must contain a bibliography (only the source of the quote) which is arranged by IEEE style.

In preparing scientific papers, several things can be done related to taking references from books, journals, or other scientific works. In taking these references there are known techniques for quoting, summarizing and paraphrasing.


Quoting is to take words directly from other sources that are used to support the compiler's argument so that it does not need to be changed from its original form. The conditions for quoting are:

  • To reproduce the text exactly as the original, every quoted text must include the source by putting it in [square brackets].
  • Use direct quotes to reinforce the constructor's ideas, not to introduce new arguments.

Sum up

Summarizing is a brief explanation of what other writers have said, using words chosen by the author himself. Provisions to summarize are:

  • Following the sequence under the original ideas;
  • Summarizing from very much source text in a simpler format.
  • Use the important and relevant things from the text.


Paraphrasing is a technique of taking words from another writer to strengthen the arguments or ideas making up scientific work. Provisions for paraphrasing are:

  • Placement of the composer's own words to show the composer's understanding of the material he is compiling.
  • The selection of parts of the original text that are relevant to the constituent arguments.
  • The use of writing style that is owned by the composer himself, as long as it does not change the original meaning.

In writing a bibliography using the IEEE style, the provisions are as follows:

  • A reference to the IEEE style uses numerical numbers placed in a square box over the reference taken and placed at the end of the sentence.
  • The numerical numbers located in the square box are made the same as the bibliography on the final page of scientific work.
  • The numbering system must be sequenced starting from [1], [2] and so on, besides that, it must also be sorted according to the references taken as references in the material of scientific work.

General information on writing a bibliography following the IEEE style is as follows:

  • The list of entries must match the same numerical order as the text
  • The first name of the author is written in the initials and the last name is written in full.
  • The first letter of the first word of an article or chapter title is written capital, while the title of the book is written capital letter at the beginning of each word.
  • Article titles or chapter titles are quoted, while book titles, journals, and websites are italicized.

The following is the writing format and example of writing a bibliography using the IEEE style: [1]

1. Articles in a Journal

[##] Author(s), "Article Title," Journal Title, vol. #, No. #, Page, month and year of publication.


[1] S.K. Kenue, "Limited angle multifrequency diffraction tomography," IEEE Trans. Sonics Ultrason, vol. SU-29, no. 6, pp. 213-217, July 1982.

2. Books

Entire Book

[##] Author (s), Book Title, Edition (if applicable), Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of publication.


[2] P.M. Morse and H. Feshbach, Methods of Theoretical Physics. New York: McGraw Hill, 1953.

Part of the Book

[##] Author (s), "Chapter Title,", Book Title, Edition (if any). Place of publication: Publisher, Year, page.


[3] P.S. Meszaros, S. Lee and A. Laughlin, "Information processing and information technology career interests and choices among high school students," Reconfiguring the Firewall, Wellesley: A K Peters, 2007, 77-86.

3. Articles from Proceeding (seminar/workshop)

[##] Author (s), "Article title", Title Proceeding, pg, seminar date, year.


[5] R. Frinkel, R. Taylor, R. Bolles, R. Paul, "An overview of AL, programming systems for automation," in Proc. Fourth Int. Join Conf Artif.Intel., Pp. 758-765, Sept. 3-7, 2006.

4. Online / website

[##] Author (s), "Document title," Website or owner title, Publication Date. [On line]. Available: URL [accessed month month].


[13] B. Paynter, "Robodinos: what could possibly go wrong?", Wired, July 20, 2009, [Online]. Available: [Accessed: July 25, 2010].


Policy on Plagiarism

Each writer submitting an article to JOINS (Journal Of Information System) must make a statement stating that the text is free of plagiarism and not being considered and published in another journal.

Article Submission

Articles are sent in softcopy (without the identity of the author). Articles are sent through the JOINS (Journal Of Information System) website: /about/submissions#onlineSubmissions by selecting the Submission menu and will be processed using the Open Journal System (OJS) application.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.