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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines



  • Jurnal Penelitian Ekonomi dan Bisnis is a periodical scientific publication journal originating from research results that are published twice a year, in March and September.
  • Articles must be written in English in the fields of Islamic Economics, Accounting, Management and Economics.
  • The article must be original (has never been published) and written in Standard, Good, and Correct Grammar.
  • Article writing template is available here to download 


  • Title
  • Author11, Author22Author33
    1Department, Faculty, University, Country 
    2Department, Faculty, University, Country 
    3Department, Faculty, University, Country 
  • Abstract
  • Keywords

  • Title, Left Indent, Bold, 1.15 space, Capitalize Each Word, (Arno Pro) 12 pt

  • Author11, Left Indent, e-mail mark upperside, (Arno Pro) 10 pt,
    Author22, Left Indent, written next to Author1,(Arno Pro) 10 pt,
    3, Left Indent, written next to Author2, (Arno Pro) 10 pt,
    1Department, Faculty, University, Country (Arno Pro) 10 pt
    2Department, Faculty, University, Country (Arno Pro) 10 pt
    3Department, Faculty, University, Country (Arno Pro) 10 pt

  • Abstract: written in Italyc, 1.15 space, (Arno Pro) 10 pt.

    Abstract written in English, maximum 200 words, should inform the readers briefly about the manuscript’s purpose, methods, findings, and values. References are not allowed to be cited in abstract. 

  • Keywords: (Arno Pro) 8 pt

  • INTRODUCTION: written with Justify style, 1.15 space, (Arno Pro) 10 pt 

    The main section of an article should start with an introductory section which provides more details about the paper’s purposes, motivation, research methods and findings. The introduction should be relatively nontechnical, yet clear enough for an informed reader to understand the manuscript’s contribution.

    It is the state of arts of the research, which consists of the background of the study, the motivation of the study, the theories and the objectives of the study. It is written in the form of a paragraph.

    Example of citing an article: One government action to solve this is privatization. Privatization policy in SOE was first performed in 1991 on PT Semen Gresik, Tbk. (Ministry of SOE). Several studies state that the financial performance of government companies increases after privatization (Dharwadkar et al., 2000; Gupta, 2005; Urga et al. 2007; Ochieng & Anwar, 2014). A study on the difference of performance before and after privatization in Indonesia has been performed, but the result is limited to significant performance improvement in real sales (Juoro, 2002). Jelic et al. (2003) and Boubakri et al. (2005) find empirical evidence that privatization method influences company long-term performance.

    Hypotheses are placed on introduction section (if any).

  • METHOD: written with Justify style, 1.15 space, (Arno Pro) 10 pt 

    It consists of the research design (the method, the data, the data source, the data collecting technique, the data analysis technique, the variables measurement) that written in the form of a paragraph.

  • RESULT AND DISCUSSION: written with Justify style, 1.15 space, (Arno Pro) 10 pt 

    Contains the results of empirical or theoretical study written by a systematic, critical analysis, and informative. The use of tables, images, etc. only to support or clarify the discussion and is confined only to support substantial information, e.g., tables of statistical tests, the results of model testing, etc. Discussion of results should be argumentative regarding the relevance of the results, theory, previous research, and empirical facts, as well as demonstrate the novelty of the findings.

  • CONCLUSSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION: written with Justify style, 1.15 space, (Arno Pro) 10 pt 
    It consists of the conclusion, clarity of new findings, new theories and the possibility of future research development.


    For the references, we use the APA Style 7th edition, and we strongly suggest the author to used citation manager such as Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, etc.
    Download Mendeley apps here
    And the tutorial of  How to Use Mendeley here

    Output example of using APA Style 7th edition:

  • Number of pages
    The number of pages of articles is 10-15 A4 pages (210mm x 297mm) including pictures, tables and references

  • Margin
    Articles written in MS Word (*.docx) with the format of the left margin, right margin, bottom margin and top margin of 2.5cm
  • Chapter's title and Sub-chapters
    Chapter title's (uppercase each letter) and sub-chapters (uppercase first letter on each word), are bold and are not numbered. 

  • Numbering of Short Sentences
    Writing short sentence numbering is integrated into paragraphs, for example: The objectives to be achieved in this study are: (1) To analyze market share advantages and (2) To analyze the position of competitiveness of yarn commodities and the Central Java textile industry in the world market

  • Tables and Figures
    Tables or figures must be accompanied by a title without using the source of the table. The title of the table is placed above the table (Arno Pro, 10 pt, bold), while the title of the image is placed under the picture (Arno Pro, 10 pt, bold). Tables and figures may not be scanned from.

    Example 1:

    Example 2:

  • Writing Formulas
    Equations must use Microsoft Equation Editor (not in image format). Writing formula is written directly (may not be-scanned).
  • Formula Description
    The formula information is written in one paragraph without using the same symbol (=), each formula notation statement separated by commas.
    Example: where d (x, y) is the input distance function.

  • Quote

4. Manuscript Submission
  • The manuscript are submitted via the website of the Journal of Economic and Business Research (JPEB):
  • The author submitting the article must guarantee that the manuscript submitted does not infringe copyright, has not been published or has been accepted for publication by another journal




  • Jurnal Penelitian Ekonomi dan Bisnis merupakan publikasi ilmiah berkala yang berasal dari hasil penelitian yang diterbitkan satu tahun dua kali, yaitu pada bulan Maret dan September
  • Artikel ditulis dengan bahasa Inggris dalam bidang kajian Ekonomi, Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Ekonomi Islam.
  • Artikel harus asli (belum pernah dipublikasikan) dan ditulis dengan kaidah tata bahasa Inggris yang baku, baik, dan benar.
  • Artikel template tersedia disini untuk didownload 


  • Title
  • Author11Author22Author33
    1Department, Faculty, University, Country 
    2Department, Faculty, University, Country 
    3Department, Faculty, University, Country 
  • Abstract
  • Keywords

  • Title, rata kiri, cetak tebal, spasi 1.15, tiap awal kata dicetak kapital, (Arno Pro) 12 pt

  • Author11,rata kiri, bertandakan kecil email di akhir nama, (Arno Pro) 10 pt,
    Author22, rata kiri, ditulis setelah Author1,(Arno Pro) 10 pt,
    3,  rata kiri, ditulis setelah Author2, (Arno Pro) 10 pt,
    1Departmen, Fakultas, Universitas, Negara (Arno Pro) 10 pt
    2Departmen, Fakultas, Universitas, Negara (Arno Pro) 10 pt
    3Departmen, Fakultas, Universitas, Negara (Arno Pro) 10 pt

  • Abstract: ditulis dengan gaya Italyc, spasi 1.15, (Arno Pro) 10 pt

    Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris, maksimal 200 kata, harus memberi tahu pembaca secara singkat tentang tujuan, metode, temuan, dan inti penelitian. Referensi tidak diperbolehkan ditulis dalam abstrak.

  • Keywords: (Arno Pro) 8 pt

  • INTRODUCTION: ditulis dengan gaya Justify/rata kanan kiri, spasi 1.15, (Arno Pro) 10 pt 

    Bagian awal artikel harus dimulai dengan bagian pengantar yang memberikan detail lebih lanjut tentang tujuan makalah, motivasi, metode penelitian, dan temuan. Pendahuluan harus relatif nonteknis, namun cukup jelas bagi pembaca yang berwawasan untuk memahami isi naskah.

    Bagian ini juga berisi state of the art dari penelitian, yang terdiri dari latar belakang penelitian, motivasi penelitian, teori dan tujuan penelitian. Penulisan adalah ditulis dalam bentuk paragraf.

    Contoh dalam men-sitasi artikel: One government action to solve this is privatization. Privatization policy in SOE was first performed in 1991 on PT Semen Gresik, Tbk. (Ministry of SOE). Several studies state that the financial performance of government companies increases after privatization (Dharwadkar et al., 2000; Gupta, 2005; Urga et al. 2007; Ochieng & Anwar, 2014). A study on the difference of performance before and after privatization in Indonesia has been performed, but the result is limited to significant performance improvement in real sales (Juoro, 2002). Jelic et al. (2003) and Boubakri et al. (2005) find empirical evidence that privatization method influences company long-term performance.

    Hipotesis ditulis pada bagian Introduction (jika ada)

  • METHOD: ditulis dengan gaya Justify/rata kanan kiri, spasi 1.15, (Arno Pro) 10 pt 

    Bagian ini terdiri dari desain penelitian (metode, data, sumber data, teknik pengumpulan data, teknik analisis data, pengukuran variabel) yang dituangkan dalam bentuk paragraf.

  • RESULT AND DISCUSSION: ditulis dengan gaya Justify/rata kanan kiri, spasi 1.15, (Arno Pro) 10 pt 

    Bagian ini berisi hasil kajian empiris atau teoritis yang ditulis dengan sistematis, analisis kritis, dan informatif. Penggunaan tabel, gambar, dll. hanya untuk mendukung atau memperjelas pembahasan dan dibatasi hanya untuk mendukung informasi substansial, misalnya tabel uji statistik, hasil pengujian model, dll. Pembahasan hasil harus bersifat argumentatif mengenai relevansi hasil, teori, penelitian sebelumnya, dan fakta empiris, serta menunjukkan kebaruan temuan.

  • CONCLUSSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION: ditulis dengan gaya Justify/rata kanan kiri, spasi 1.15, (Arno Pro) 10 pt

    Bagian ini terdiri dari kesimpulan, kejelasan temuan baru, teori baru dan kemungkinan pengembangan penelitian di masa depan.


    Kami menggunakan APA Style 7th edition, dan kami merekomendasikan penulis untuk menggunakan salah satu software sitasi seperti Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, dll.
    Download Mendeley apps di link berikut
    dan tutorial menggunakan Mendeley di link berikut

    Contoh output daftar pustaka menggunakan APA Style 7th edition:

  • Jumlah Halaman
    Jumlah halaman adalah 10-15 A4 pages (210mm x 297mm) termasuk gambar, tabel, dan daftar pustaka

  • Margin
    Manuskrip dirulis di MS Word (*.docx) dengan margin batas atas, bawah, kanan, dan kiri 2.5cm
  • Chapter's title and Sub-chapters
    Judul bab (huruf besar untuk setiap huruf) dan sub-bab (huruf besar pertama pada setiap kata), dicetak tebal dan tidak diberi nomor. 

  • Numbering of Short Sentences
    Penulisan penomoran kalimat pendek diintegrasikan ke dalam paragraf, misalnya: Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Menganalisis keunggulan pangsa pasar dan (2) Menganalisis posisi daya saing komoditas benang dan industri Jawa Tengah dalam pasar dunia

  • Tables and Figures

    Tabel atau gambar harus disertai judul tanpa menggunakan sumber tabel. Judul tabel diletakkan di atas tabel (Arno Pro, 10 pt, cetak tebal), sedangkan judul gambar diletakkan di bawah gambar (Arno Pro, 10 pt, cetak tebal). Tabel dan gambar tidak boleh berdasarkan hasil pindaian.

    Contoh 1:

    Contoh 2:

  • Writing Formulas
    Persamaan harus menggunakan Microsoft Equation Editor (bukan dalam format gambar). Penulisan rumus ditulis langsung (tidak hasil dipindai).
  • Formula Description

    Informasi rumus ditulis dalam satu paragraf tanpa menggunakan simbol yang sama (=), setiap pernyataan notasi rumus dipisahkan dengan koma.
    Contoh: di mana d (x, y) adalah fungsi jarak input.

  • Quote

  • Naskah dikirimkan melalui alamat website Jurnal Penelitian Ekonomi dan Bisnis (JPEB):
  • Penulis yang menyerahkan artikelnya harus menjamin bahwa naskah yang diajukan tidak melanggar hak cipta, belum dipublikasikan atau telah diterima untuk dipublikasi oleh jurnal lainnya

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.