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Jurnal Penelitian Ekonomi dan Bisnis (JPEB) is a fully refereed (double-blind peer review) and an open-access online journal for academics, researchers, graduate students, early-career researchers and undergraduate students, published by the Faculty of Economics and Business Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang.
JPEB is a periodical publication (two times a year, in March and September) with the primary objective to disseminate scientific articles in the fields of management, economics, accounting, and islamic economics. JPEB is accept your manuscript written in English.
JPEB is currently indexed by Google Scholar, Sinta 3, Garuda, DOAJ, Dimensions, BASE, OneSearch, Neliti, ICI Copernicus, and soon will be indexed by other systems. The journal is published as an online version.
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Jurnal Penelitian Ekonomi dan Bisnis (JPEB)
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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis | Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
Jalan Nakula I No. 5-11, Semarang 50131, Indonesia
Phone: (024) 3567010
2442-5028 (Print)
2460-4291 (Online)
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