
  • Angga Dedi Argonawan
  • Nadiah Ma'mun


Entering the dynamics of a competitive competition, as a form of impact from globalization, it requires an appropriate competence and affective language. Language becomes the most important part in the process of interacting with others to realize a good relationship. The key to success in language is the message conveyed by the speaker easily, and it is understood by the listener, especially in English. English becomes the International language in any scientific or non-scientific activities that need to be dominated. Desa Wisata Kandri, a village that is annually used as a destination for foreign tourists to travel from various countries due to its location and excellent natural wealth. Therefore, in order to realize the communication and sharing of good information, the local tour guides from teenagers of Karang Taruna need to master English professionally. Therefore, to facilitate their needs, the team held the training and mentoring which aims to provide conceptual knowledge and practical activities to the youth of Karang Taruna to become a professional and competent tour guide. The training was held in Multifunction Hall of Kandri Gunungpati Village, Semarang Regency, and participated by 20 participants. The amount of interest and enthusiasm of the participants in the activity of role play demonstration looks amazing, so that the activity took place smoothly and effectively, that can be seen from the response and interaction of participants on the trainer as well as interaction between participants. The participants were enthusiastic and really interested in learning English through the out-door classroom. They have got different things, besides the situation, the knowledge, and the method used by the Tutor. Using Communicative Games through travel and tourism games is also a fascinating way of teaching Speaking for them. Based on the results of the team's assistance and tutor on indicators of achievement and the success of the training is that the youth of Karang Taruna have more confidence in processing visual and vocal communication verbal and nonverbally, confident in conveying the valuable information in English, and facial expressions that can convince foreign tourists. Moreover, the tourists have got a good impression to the local tour guide of Desa Kandri.


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