UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle <p><img src="/public/site/images/bemfib/UNCLLE_2024-2.png" alt="" width="636" height="900/" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>As one of the efforts to increase students’ interest and improve students’ logical skills, the Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Humanities Universitas Dian Nuswantoro held a scientific conference that is open to all humanities students throughout the world.</p><p>This year, UNCLLE has the theme 'Expanding the Knowledge of Language, Literature, and Culture in the Digital Era 4.0’ and it will be held on Saturday, 27th of April 2024.</p><p>In accordance with the name and theme, this conference covers the fields of linguistic studies, translation, literature, culture, and tourism. We accept papers in English. This conference is expected to become an annual conference that carries the latest humanities theme and is relevant to the development of today’s society.</p><div dir="auto"><p><strong>Theme</strong>: Expanding the Knowledge of Language, Literature, and Culture in the Digital Era 4.0</p><p><strong>Sub-Theme:</strong></p><p>- <strong>Linguistics: </strong>Systemic, Functional, Linguistics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Applied Linguistics, Other Linguistics Studies<strong></strong></p><p>- <strong>Translation: </strong>The Study of Translation, Interpreting, Other Translation Studies<strong></strong></p><p>- <strong>Literature: </strong>Poetry Studies, Childern Literature, Other Literature Studies</p><p>- <strong>Language Teaching : </strong>Teaching Method, CLT, BIPA, Other Teaching Studies<strong></strong></p><p>- <strong>Culture : </strong>Historical Studies, World Englishes, English Culture, Japanese Culture, Other Culture Studies, Tourism Studies, Eco Tourism, Creative Tourism, Digital Tourism, Sustainable Tourism, Other Topics Related to Tourism</p><p> </p></div><div style="font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold;">Free for participants! Register yourself here! </div><div style="font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold;"><span id="docs-internal-guid-77c0843a-7fff-a0f8-52e1-772b5d2defaf"><a href="https://bit.ly/registrationUNCLLE2024"><span>https://bit.ly/registrationUNCLLE2024</span></a></span></div> Dian Nuswantoro University en-US UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2798-7302 COVER UNCLLE 2023 https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/9808 This is the cover for Vol 3 2023 BEM FIB UDINUS Copyright (c) 2024 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2024-01-03 2024-01-03 3 1 i v THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT ON COMMUNITY’S LIFE IN KAMPOENG CYBER https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8716 Kampoeng Cyber was formed as a technology-themed educational tour focusing on technological developments which affect the social and economic life of the community. The formation of Kampoeng Cyber has had an impact on the people's economy such as the way people sell at Kampoeng Cyber which has now become more practical, and easier. Since the existence of technology in Kampoeng Cyber, the community involved in the development and management of social bridging so that it pushes people to communicate to each other and encourages people to male new innovations. The involvement of residents in Kampoeng Cyber is very beneficial and provides opportunities to increase tourists and its economy. Positively, people can use this as an opportunity to enhance tourists’ visit and to increase their incomes. The villagers have used internet as a tool to discuss problems in the village, a medium of information and communication and run Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and to collaborate with other parties as investors. In terms of empowering local communities with technology in Kampoeng Cyber, one of the issues is the impact of people's behavior before and after the internet is available in Kampoeng Cyber. Therefore, in conducting this study, the researchers did observations and interviews at Kampoeng Cyber. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of technological developments which affect the social and economic society’s life. Meanwhile, this study uses a qualitative research method with a purposive sampling technique. It can be concluded that the impact of the development of Kampoeng Cyber on the social and economic community’s life, such as how to sell, expand the market and increase community interaction. Keywords: economics, innovation, impact, technology Cindy Arinda Fajriani Salma Afidati Shindika Pristya Agananta Angela Ariani Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 1 6 THE ATTRACTION OF GEBLEK TRADITIONAL FOOD AS A SPECIAL CULINARY TOURISM OF KULON PROGO,SPECIAL REGION OF YOGYAKARTA https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8717 Each region in the Special Region of Yogyakarta has a unique culinary, especially traditional food called geblek. It is a typical traditional food derived from Kulon Progo Regency. The purpose of this study is to explore the potential of Geblek as a culinary traditional food from Kulon Progo area. The research method used is a qualitative approach in which the object of this research is geblek. While the key informants of this study were geblek producers and sellers in the area of Kulon Progo. The data collection techniques in this study used interviews, observation, documentation and literature study proposed by Damanic and Weber including uniqueness, originality, authenticity and diversity. Furthermore, the analysis of this research employs Miles and Huberman (2006) namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are, geblek has potential as a culinary food because it has uniqueness that is not owned by other regions. It is unique because it is formed like a number eight or sachet. Moreover, it will be better if we eat it with tempe benguk which is made of koro beans cooked with coconut milk. The origin of geblek is made of cassava in which it is Kulon Progo staple food. In so doing, to replace its staple food, people make geblek to replace it since they have difficulty to get rice. Nowadays, geblek is transformed with various flavors, such shrimp, tuna, and mackerel and a sprinkling of various spices such as barbeque and cheese. Keywords: tourist attraction, culinary tourism, traditional food, geblek Deni Muhammad Farhan Agnes Melinda Pardede Sahlit Sugesti Heni Susilowati Slamet Supriyono Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 7 13 THE POTENTIAL ATTRACTION OF SATE KLATHAK AS A GASTRONOMIC TOURISM IN BANTUL DISTRICT https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8722 Sate klathak is a dish made from lambs which is skewered using iron bars and has become one of the culinary tourism destinations in Bantul Regency where it is visited by many tourists. In relation to, most tourists who visit Bantul are only consuming it, without having a desire to know its origin, the making process, and its serving. In so doing, this study aims to determine the attractiveness of sate klathak bu employing Damanik and Weber (2006) approach consisting of uniqueness, originality, authenticity and diversity and to determine the potential of sate klathak as a gastronomic tour in Bantul Regency. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative and folklore method. Meanwhile, data collection methods were carried out through interviews, observation, documentation and literature studies. Whilst, data analysis referred to the theory of Milles and Huberman (2006), namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion/verification. The results of this study indicate that sate klathak has a unique texture which can be seen from its origin and its cooking method. furthermore, originality lies in the use of raw materials and spices used. In addition, the authenticity is seen from the way of eating, serving and the condiments, while the diversity is in the various menu variants served. Sate klathak "Pak Pong" has the potential to be developed into a gastronomic tour. It can be seen that the “Pak Pong” sate klathak has met the criteria for indicators of gastronomic tourism potential according to Brilliant Savirin (1994), so that tourists who visit Bantul would not only eat and drink but also, they will get information about the sate klathak briefly. Keywords: culinary tourism, gastronomic tourism, sate klathak, tourism attraction Fauziaty Fauziaty Nikasius Jonet Sinangjoyo Setyo Prasiyono Nugroho Budi Hermawan Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 14 22 TASTE, AROMA, TEXTURE, AND APPEARANCE OF SURABI AS GASTRONOMIC TOURISM ATTRACTION IN BANDUNG https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8724 Surabi is one of originality cakes from Sundanese land which is still existed until today. Surabi Bandung has a distinctive aroma, texture and taste. Surabi is cooked using a stove and a container made of clay and cooked over charcoal which can add its distinctive flavor. The purpose of this study was to analyze the manufacturing process, materials and tools used and to analyze the consumer responses to the quality of food products in terms of taste, aroma, texture and appearance. The method of this study uses qualitative methods. Meanwhile, the data collection techniques employ in-depth interviews with surabi producers, culinary lovers and gastronomy experts, documentation, observation, and literature studies. Furthermore, the technique of analysis of this study uses a theoretical approach by Tjiptono., &amp; G. Chandra, 2011 in which the dimensions of product quality consisting of taste, aroma, texture and appearance. The context of this study, traditional culinary in relation to taste, aroma, texture and appearance, is a culinary attraction for gastronomic tourism. Another theory that supports this study is the theory of gastronomy about the art or science of enjoying food and drink (Harsana et al. 2019). The results showed that the taste, aroma, texture and appearance of Surabi's traditional snacks are capable of being gastronomic tourism because surabi itself has a quality product that is in great demand by culinary tourists who visit to Bandung. Whereas, the taste of this surabi are enjoyed by many visitors only only domestics but also foreign tourists. Keywords: culinary tourism, gastronomic tourism, traditional food, Surabi Frisca Putri Kania I Made Witara Yedna Istiraharsi Fitri Dwi K Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 23 27 THE SUSTAINABILITY OF EGRETS CONSERVATION TOURISMN VILLAGE IN SLEMAN REGENCY https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8725 The development of the rural environment, one of which is in the egret conservation tourism village, which is located in Ketingan Hamlet, Tirtoadi Village, Mlati District, Sleman Regency continues to experience pressure. The threats to the habitat of the egret as a migratory animal that settles in this hamlet are caused by the internal and the external factors. In doing so, if there are no measures to control or prevent the pressure on its habitat, it will have an impact on increasingly pressing habitat and disruption of the egret colony which only breeds in Ketingan Hamlet during the rainy season. The purpose of this study is to explain what forms of pressure occur and threaten the sustainability of the egret habitat, and to find out the government’s and local communitie’s roles in efforts to protect the egret habitat ecosystem. Through the use of observation and in-depth interviews method, this study was carried out by a phenomenological approach which tried to display the symptoms of the field. This study is able to explain several facts in the field which are related to the occurrences of pressure on ecosystems which disrupt the sustainability of the egret's habitat. These pressures include the rampant logging of trees in the hamlet, the invasion of housing in Ketingan complex and also the construction of buildings and residents' houses have made many vegetation as egrets’ habitat had destroyed. Keywords: community participation, egret conservation, the government and local community role, phenomenological Indira V. L Lucia P. Nenciliana R. Leite Mutiara Sukmawati N. A Destha Titi Raharjana Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 28 36 PRESERVATION OF PEMPEK CULINARY AS THE IDENTITY OF PALEMBANG https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8715 <p class="Abstract">Culinary tourism activities in tourist destinations are one way to strengthen the identity of a region. Pempek is one of the traditional foods of Palembang which has become the hallmark of Palembang City. This food has become a culinary icon of Palembang and is well known to the public at large, including people outside Palembang. The potential of pempek as an icon of Palembang is increasingly visible because Palembang has become a tourist destination and is strategically located in a center of trade and activity in South Sumatra. The purpose of this study is to find out the processing method and preserving pempek culinary as the identity of Palembang. The method used is descriptive qualitative method with SWOT analysis. The population taken in this study were Palembang residents with pempek processing samples. The results showed that the process of making pempek was quite complicated, the use of local materials made it easy to find all over the city of Palembang. The culinary varieties of pempek such as submarine, lenjer, curly, pistal and others are highly looked for the tourists who visit Palembang. In addition, pempek is able to become one of the icons of Palembang because it becomes tourists’ necessity who come to visit Palembang and is one of the market commodities for Palembang since pempek production is not only distributed within the city, but also outside the city.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>culinary tourism, identity, pempek, preservation, tourist destination.</p> Nathasia Putranto Waluyo Azzam Azka Auladi Sidiq Perman Widagda Budi Santosa Nizar Fachri Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 37 44 Preservation of Apem Cake as a Gastronomic Heritage at the Yogyakarta Palace https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8719 <p class="Abstract">Yogyakarta is one of the number 2 tourist destinations after Bali, Yogyakarta has various types of tourism, one of which is gastronomic tourism. One of the gastronomic tours that is still being preserved in Yogyakarta is the Ngapem traditional tour which is held at the Yogyakarta Palace once a year before the month of Safar. The month of Safar is the second month in the Islamic or Hijri calendar which means quiet and lonely. However, this tradition had stopped for two years due to the co-19 pandemic, but now the palace is making efforts to re-hold the Ngapem tradition. Ngapem tradition is our gratitude for the blessings that have been given by God Almighty. This study aims to find out the history and philosophy of apem cake for the ngapem tradition in Yogyakarta and to find out the efforts of the palace in preserving apem cake. This research is qualitative research. Methods of data collection by in-depth interviews, observation and documentation to get an overview of the apem cake and the ngapem tradition. The focus of this research is in the Yogyakarta palace. The key informants in this study were cultural figures from the Yogyakarta palace, while additional informants were the Yogyakarta City Tourism Office and gastronomy experts. The results of this study indicate that the apem cake is a legacy of Ki Ageng Gribig, a descendant of Prabu Brawijaya, where he brought the cake back to the island of Java from a trip to the Holy Land. archipelago which then the cake is distributed to the surrounding community. The role of the government in preserving the tradition of ngapem is always to support the palace to hold a ngapem event every safar month or before fasting, where the apem cakes are made into gunungan which are paraded to the Gedhe Kauman Mosque and then distributed to the community after a ritual procession is held.</p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>apem cake</em>, gastronomic tourism, preservation, Yogyakarta palace Noverinto Gilang Nuzul Dika Ahmad Fitrianto Enny Karmin Gunawan Yuliyanto Sri Larasati Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 45 50 MSME OPTIMIZATION OF MIE LETHEK OPERATIONS IN BANTUL REGENCY, YOGYAKARTA https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8720 <p class="Abstract"><em>Mie Lethek</em> is a traditional food made from organic ingredients originally from Bantul, Yogyakarta. In relation to, they are not many Indonesians are familiar with it. This is happened because of the lack of innovation in producing noodles and its weakness in marketing through digital media. This study discusses the operational optimization of MSMEs<em> mie lethek</em> in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. This study uses qualitative research methods by applying observation and interviews. This study aims to develop the innovation in producing <em>mie lethek</em> and to develop marketing strategies using digital media. The results of this study show that MSME of<em> mie Lethek</em> factory has made innovations in their production but they have difficulty to meet the market demand. In one production, the factory is only able to produce 1 ton of <em>mie lethek</em>, while the market demand has reached 3 tons within a month. In addition, to sell <em>mie lethek</em> through digital media has not been maximized because they still have difficulties in using its media. They tend to use WhatsApp, YouTube, and local TV broadcasts to market their products. The main reason why <em>mie lethek</em> have not been marketed to all digital media networks is because the production of <em>mie lethek</em> has not been able to meet the market demand.</p><p class="Abstract"><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>marketing</em>, <em>mie lethek, product innovation, technology development strategy</em></p> Silfana Bella Eka Nurul Husrotul Hotimah Ismi Azizah Mona Erythrea Nur Siti Rohmi Lestari Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 51 59 Traditional Cake Tolpit as Gastronomic Tourism (Exploration Study on Tolpit MSME in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta) https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8721 <p class="Abstract">Bantul is one of the regencies in Yogyakarta where it has many delicious traditional foods to be proud of such as <em>Mie Lethek</em>, <em>Mie Pentil</em>, <em>Geplak</em> and others. However, there is a quite unique traditional food which has an odd name and it is called as "<em>tolpit</em>". "<em>Tolpit</em>" cake is people's food which is often served at various celebrations or as a side dish for tea and coffee when relaxing. The purpose of this study is to describe the history or philosophy, the method of its processing and the equipment used in processing it and to find out the role of MSMEs in preserving the traditional "<em>tolpit</em>" cake. This study was carried out by using a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques are by implementing in-depth interviews, observation, documentation and literature study. Meanwhile, the key informants in this study were historians or gastronomy experts who understood the existence of the traditional "<em>tolpit</em>" cake, whilst, additional informants in this study were traders or MSMEs who make it. Furthermore, the analysis technique of this study uses Milles and Huberman (2006) approach which includes data reduction, data presentation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the processing of traditional "<em>tolpit</em>" food is quite simple by using tools and materials which are easy to find. In addition, the role of MSMEs in preserving the traditional "<em>tolpit</em>" cake is much taken into account, because they can boost the name of this traditional "<em>tolpit</em>" cake to be well known in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Also, by participating in traditional snack festivals, MSME of traditional "<em>tolpit</em>" cake producers can also continue to preserve these traditional cakes, so that they will always exist.</p><p class="Abstract"><strong>Keywords</strong><strong>:</strong> culinary tourism, gastronomic tourism, tolpit, traditional food</p> Stephanie Nadya Lita Saryani Saryani Hermawan Prasetyanto Yudi Setiaji Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 60 66 Community Empowerment on Wood Batik Activities in Krebet Tourism Village, Bantul Regency https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8723 <p class="Abstract">Krebet Tourism Village, located in Bantul Regency, is a center for wooden batik crafts. The community's skills in innovating in making batik works on wood have made Krebet village one of the tourist villages that has special characteristics as a producer of handicrafts with batik motifs. This study aims to describe 1) the community empowerment process for batik activities in Krebet Tourism Village, 2) to determine the factors that support and hinder community empowerment in Krebet Tourism Village, 3) to determine the impact of empowerment on batik activities carried out in the village. Krebet Tourism. This research is qualitative research. The subjects of this research were the administrators of the Krebet Tourism Village and the Krebet Tourism Village Community. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study revealed that 1) Community Empowerment in Batik on Wood activities were carried out through the awareness stage, the capacity transformation stage, and the intellectual improvement stage. 2) Forms of Community Empowerment in Batik on Wood Activities have involved the local community in increasing the skills and self-reliance of the community, including training and outreach regarding batik, coloring, design, marketing, screen printing training and K3 training. 3) the results of Community Empowerment in Wood Batik Activities, Krebet Tourism Village, Bantul Regency, namely increased community skills and independence, development of wooden batik activities in Krebet Tourism Village and exploration of human resources and maximizing local culture. Increasing the skills and independence of the community can be seen from the formation of batik studio groups and independent associations through the Sidokaton cooperative and batik groups from the community who have participated in various types of training so as to acquire and improve skills as well as additional income. 4) Erratic weather and the lack of supporting facilities for tourists are inhibiting factors in the process of Community Empowerment in Batik Activities on Wood, Krebet Tourism Village.</p><p class="Abstract"><strong>Keywords: </strong>community empowerment, wood batik</p> Yovita Isa Ashari Mona Erythrea Nur Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 67 74 An Analysis of Cultural Specific Items Classified as Social Culture Found in The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien And Strategies Utilized to Translate The Indonesian Version https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8086 <p>Cultural Specific Item is said to be one of the hardest concepts to translate by quite a number of researchers. One of them, Baker (1992:23-44) presented eight translation strategies for translators to consider when they encounter difficult issues such as CSIs. On the other hand, Newmark (1988:94-103) composed five taxonomies of cultural words by adapting Nida. Out of five taxonomies, social culture was the most predominantly found in the object of research with more than 300 data and 46% overall. The purpose of this research is to find the most applicable translation strategy to translate CSIs in the social culture category. Methods that were applied in the process of this research are the comparative model in translation studies (Williams and Chesterman, 2002) and comparative research (Mills, 2008). Data were obtained from the source text, <em>The Things They Carried</em> by Tim O’Brien, and the target text, <em>The Things They Carried: Kenangan Sang Prajurit</em> translated by Hendrayatna. The researcher has reached several conclusions, for instance, only seven out of eight translation strategies were utilized to translate social culture in the target text. Second, translation by paraphrasing using unrelated words was the most applicable strategy with a huge margin of 38% compared to other strategies with a percentage below 20%.</p> Maria Seannovika Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 75 81 COMPARISON OF SUBTITLING STRATEGIES OF SLANG IN OFFICIAL AND FANSUB SUBTITLES OF BAD BOYS II MOVIE DIRECTED BY MICHAEL BAY https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8011 <p class="Abstract">The research entitled “Comparison of Subtitling Strategies of Slang in Official and Fansub Subtitles of <em>Bad Boys II </em>Movie Directed by Michael Bay” types of slang language and subtitling strategies applied by official and fansub translators in translating slang words and phrases are the objective of this research. This research applied a descriptive qualitative method to analyze the results of the subtitling strategies. The researcher applied the theory of slang from Chapman (1998:263), and Guth (1962-95), for the subtitling strategy the researcher used the theory from Gottlieb (1992). From 75 data of slang words and phrases, the researcher found out that there are three types of slang used in this movie that is, primary slang (69%), nickname (29%), and secondary slang (1%). For subtitling strategies, the researcher found out that there are 3 subtitling strategies used by the official translator such as transfer strategy (40%), deletion strategy (31%), and paraphrase (29%). For the fansub, the researcher found out that the fansub translator used 4 subtitling strategies such as transfer strategy (52%), paraphrase strategy (32%), imitation strategy (12%), and deletion strategy (4%). From the analysis that has been done, the researcher found out that the transfer strategy is the most widely used subtitling strategy by official and fansub translators.</p> Fauzi Arkan Utomo Achmad Basari Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 82 92 Dayak Kanayatn Belief: The Literal Meanings Of Hantu, Setan, And Iblis https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8772 <p>This study aims to explore the literal meaning of the words hantu, setan, and iblis<br />based on Dayak Kanayatn' belief. Furthermore, after finding the similarities and differences<br />of those words the researchers compared them with the literal meaning of KBBI (Kamus<br />Besar Bahasa Indonesia) and the other research. This study employed a descriptive<br />qualitative design involving three participants from Dayak Kanayatn background. The data<br />were obtained using interview and documentation techniques. Using two main theories of<br />literal meaning from (Simatupang et al., 2020) and (Jr, 2002)the data were analyzed through<br />transcribing, clustering, elaborating, and comparing. The results show that the literal<br />meaning of the words Hantu, Setan, and Iblis according to Dayak Kanayatn beliefs, KBBI,<br />and the other research have several similarities and differences. The first word Hantu has the<br />same meaning that leads to the spirit. The second word Setan, Dayak Kanayatn belief, and<br />KBBI have the same perception that leads to the evil attitude of humans while other research<br />says that Setan refers to a form of curse. The third is the word Iblis, which is a spirit that<br />influences humans to do evil things.<br />Keywords: Literal Meaning, Hantu, Setan, Iblis</p> Heri Yudianto Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 93 103 NEW CLEANLINESS STANDARD POST COVID-19 FOR HOTEL ROOM https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8726 <p>Hotel is one of the tourism industries that provides rooms for travelers who need lodging. The hotel has service facilities in the fields of food, beverages, and rooms for travelers. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit Indonesia, all hotels carried out precautions suchasquarantine and Community Activities Restrictions Enforcement (a.k.a PPKMinIndonesia). After the Covid-19 pandemic decreased, every hotel began to releasequarantine and PPKM but still followed the protocol after government regulations. Eachhotel room is also equipped with hand sanitizer in the area traversed by hotel guests. Everyhotel tried to apply Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to run hotels in each hotel section, especially in the hotel room section after the Covid-19 pandemic has changedinterms of hotel room cleanliness before and after the arrival of guests. The purpose of thewriting is to describe the hygiene standards in hotel rooms after the Covid-19 pandemic. Inthis writing, we use a qualitative method where we look for sources through journal articles. The result of our research is that hotel room cleaning is carried out by limitingpeople to enter other than hotel employees and guests, to minimize the spread of theCovid-19 virus in the hotel. When cleaning guest rooms, all linen in hotel rooms arealways changed and pressed every day to overcome/minimize the spread of Covid-19suchas replacing linen pillowcases and blankets that have been washed clean andthendisinfecting all area in the hotel rooms. The hotels always carry out regular checks onhotel room facilities so that there is no damage or virus potential and guests feel comfortable in the hotel room. Disinfectant spraying is carried out in every corner of thehotel room and the hotel provides preventive facilities in each room in the formof a handsanitizer and checking body temperature when entering the area inside the hotel tomaintain safety for guests who want to stay in the hotel rooms.</p><p>Keywords: Cleanliness, Covid-19, Hotel, Room, SOP</p> Ekzan Aldo Zaki Haura Tabriza Asyan Izza Ulumuddin Ahmad Asshofi Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 104 111 SUBTITLING STRATEGIES OF CULTURAL WORDS IN THE SUBTITLE OF KARTINI MOVIE https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8773 <p>This research is entitled Subtitling Strategies of Cultural Words in the<br />Subtitle of Kartini Movie. The purpose of this research is to identify the subtitling<br />strategies of cultural words in the subtitle of Kartini Movie. In collecting the data, this<br />research used a descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research were Javanese<br />Language combined with Indonesian as the source language and English Language as<br />the target language. The theory used to classify the cultural words in this research is by<br />Newmark (1988:94-103) and the theory to classify the subtitling strategies is by<br />Gottlieb (1992:66). There were 50 cultural words contained in the subtitles divided<br />based on five classifications of cultural words, as follows: Ecology 2 data, Material<br />Culture 6 data, Social Culture 5 data, Gesture and Habit 12 data and also Organization,<br />Custom, Idea 25 data. On the other hand, after grouping the cultural words, then the<br />words were analyzed using the subtitling strategies theory of Gottlieb that divided<br />subtitling strategies, as follows: Transfer 20 data, Paraphrase 22 data, Expansion 3 data,<br />Imitation 2 data, Condensation 1 datum, Deletion 1 datum, and Resignation 1 datum.<br />The main subtitling strategy used in the translation of cultural word in Kartini Movie is<br />the paraphrase type of a total of 22 data. The translator translates the text by changing<br />the grammatical structure of the source language into the target language so that the<br />translation results are easier to understand by the viewer.<br />Keywords: cultural words, subtitling strategies, kartini movie, subtitle, translation</p> Salsabilla Okta Putriani Achmad Basari Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 112 128 Translation Strategies in Translating Idiomatic Expressions from English into Indonesian in "Enola Holmes" Movie https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/7824 <p>This research was conducted to find and categorize the kinds of idiomatic expressions, to explain the meaning of idiomatic expressions that exist by online dictionary, and to classify the types of translation strategies in “Enola Holmes” movie from English to Indonesian. The writer uses the theory from Jennifer Seidl and McMordie to categorize the kinds of idiomatic expression because many terms that are more suitable if categorized by using this theory than other theories. To explain the meaning of the idiomatic expressions in the movie, the writer uses many references of online dictionary. While to translating the idioms, the writer uses the theory of Mona Baker (1992) about translation strategies. The data were taken from idioms found in Enola Holmes movie. There were 142 data which were analyzed qualitatively to determine what types of idioms and what types of translation strategies were employed. The result shows that idiom with adjective and noun dominated of all idiom types, phrasal verb, verbal idiom, idioms with special categories, and idiom with preposition. The translation strategies which most frequently used is translation by paraphrase, followed by using similar meaning but different form idiom, translation by omission, and using similar meaning and form idioms.</p> Rahma Diani Putu Sunar Aji Achmad Basari Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 129 140 TRANSLATION STRATEGY ANALYSIS OF THE PROPER NAME IN THE FANTASY GREEK MYTHOLOGY NOVEL CIRCE https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8775 <p>Translation is the communication of a source-language text's meaning<br />through an equivalent target language. Newmark (1998) stated, "Translating is<br />rendering the meaning of the text into another language in the way that the author<br />intended the text." Translation allows ideas and information to spread across cultures. It<br />is a courier for the transmission of knowledge, a protector of cultural heritage, and<br />essential to the development of a global economy. This paper employs a descriptive<br />methodology. The researcher employs this technique to aid in their analysis of the<br />novel. The data are the proper names in Madeline Miller’s Circe novel, both the<br />English and Indonesian versions. The novel's proper name is most frequently translated<br />using the pure borrowing technique. The second most common strategy is established<br />equivalence. These methods resulted in the most accurate translation of the proper<br />name.<br />Keywords: fantasy novel, greek mythology, proper name, translation strategy.</p> Apriliana Kusumawati Raden Arief Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 141 148 Translation Techniques of Apologize Expressions on Enola Holmes Vol.2 Movie https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8125 <p>This research aims to learn about the expressive speech acts of apologizing and to identify the most common translation techniques used in Enola Holmes Vol. 2 movies. When analyzing expressions of apologize, the researcher relied on John Searle's theory . Then, translation techniques are analyzed using Molina and Albir's theory (Molina &amp; Albir, 2000). The researcher analyzed the data using a descriptive qualitative method. As a result of the analysis, 12 expressions of remorse were identified. In addition, four types of translation techniques for translating statements containing expressions of regret were identified. This research uncovered the following translation techniques: established equivalent, literal translation, reduction, and variation. Based on the analysis of the data, the researcher determined that the most effective technique for translating the apologizing expressive speech acts used in the film Enola Holmes Vol.2 with 12 data points is an equivalent technique. Using an established equivalent technique, the utterances of the source language are translated into the target language using a familiar term or terms. The structural forms of the source language are completely recognizable in the Enola Holmes Vol.2 movie's target language.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>a</em><em>pologi</em><em>ze </em><em>expressions,</em><em> </em><em>techniq</em><em>ues, e</em><em>nola</em><em> </em><em>holmes vol.2, movi</em><em>e</em>.</p> Tamara Juniyanti Sitio Raden Arief Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-18 2023-07-18 3 1 149 155 Translation Tenchniques and Accuracy on Sky News Indonesia " Interview with Coach justin and Sam Naz" Subtittle https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/7760 This research discusses translation techniques that focus on subtitle translation in SKY News Indonesia. The researcher took one of the news from SKY NEWS where the topic of news was an interview between Coach Justin and Sam Naz as one of the data analyzed. This study uses qualitative methods to explore the purpose of this analysis. This research was conducted separately in data collection and through several steps: reading news texts the from source language to the target language, determining what translation techniques to use in the target language, analysis and classification according to the theory of translation techniques put forward by Molina and Albir. the findings obtained from this study indicate the existence; First, the subtitle version uses several of the eleven techniques in the translation process. secondly, the most frequently applied translation techniques in the subtitled versions is established equivalents while the most common versions of the translation techniques are paraphrase, deletion, and addition. The third is drawing conclusions from the results of data analysis on one of SKY News Indonesia's news. In this study, there were 8 techniques used, namely, the Established Equivalent translation technique with 157 out of 336 data (46.4%), Literal Translation with 138 out of 336 data (40.82%), Reduction 19 out of 336 data (5.62%), Variation 12 out of 336 data (3.55%), Amplification 5 out of 336 data (1.76%), Discursive Creation 2 out of 336 data (1%), Particularization 2 out of 336 data (1%) , and for Transposition has 1 out of 336 data (0.3%). Accuracy analysis showed that from 336 data, 64.6% of sentences were translated accurately, 30.4% were translated inaccurately, and 5% were translated inaccurately from 336 data Rori Nahla Oktaviani Raden Arief Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 149 155 HISTORICAL LITERACY THROUGH BAJAMBA EATING TRADITION AS A STRENGTHENING OF CHARACTER EDUCATION https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8761 <p>Literacy culture and character strengthening have become the main<br />concern of the government with the establishment of the School Literacy<br />Movement (GLS) and Strengthening Character Education (PPK) to create a<br />literate generation of character. Strengthening character education can be achieved<br />if there is pedagogy that supports it, namely creative pedagogy that is not only<br />directed to the interests of the present but also the future. Creative pedagogy, one<br />of them can be developed by building the historical literacy skills of learners.<br />History lessons are very important to encourage the spirit of literacy which later<br />contributes to the strengthening of character education considering that history<br />lessons are very loaded with values in every event. The ability of historical<br />literacy can be developed by teaching local wisdom materials, namely eating<br />bajamba as a Minangkabau ethnic tradition that is loaded with values in every<br />implementation procedure so that it can be one of the alternatives to increase the<br />spirit of literacy that contributes to strengthening the character of learners. The<br />issue of declining character of the younger generation has become a hotly<br />discussed issue, this is what makes researchers interested in discussing the<br />tradition of eating bajamba in historical learning to improve students' historical<br />literacy skills so as to contribute to strengthening the character of learners.<br />Keywords: Historical Literacy, Bajamba Eating, Minangkabau Ethnicity,<br />Creative Pedagogy, Character</p> Nadia Ramona Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 156 164 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PICTOWORD GAME TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8764 <p>One of the main problems faced by students in mastering and learning<br />English is vocabulary. Based on curiosity, the researchers have to find an effective<br />way to make the students increase their vocabulary mastery using Pictoword Game.<br />The aim of the study is to investigate the significant difference between Pictoword<br />Game Application to improve students’ vocabulary mastery as well as their<br />perception. This study is a quantitative research design using a quasi-experimental<br />experiment and a control group. The researchers analyzed the data using SPSS 27<br />version. Test and questionnaire were utilized to collect the data. The result revealed<br />that students who were taught without using Pictoword Game were lower than the<br />result students who were taught with the Pictoword Game as shown by the mean<br />score of pre-tests 52.83 and post-test 71.30. The result of students who were taught<br />using the Pictoword Game was higher than students who were taught without using<br />Pictoword Game. It was shown by the mean score of the pre-test was 68.26 and postthe<br />test was 85.87. The significance was supported by the students’ perception<br />showing that 86% of the classroom member stated that their English performances<br />have improved by using the Pictoword Game Application and they want to<br />recommend it to use by others. The next researcher or should make interesting<br />material using media. Teachers can use Pictoword Game as a medium for teaching<br />vocabulary.<br />Keywords: effectiveness, pictoword game, vocabulary competence, teaching media</p> Anggun Rista Pratiwi Sukma Nur Ardini Sri Wahyuni Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 165 172 Development of Student’s Historical Thinking Through Historical Learning Videos https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8663 This article is part of a thesis that discusses the development of students’ historical thinking with the help of learning videos. The initial condition of the problem is when the world of education faces students who cannot carry out learning activities as usual due to isolation due to the pandemic in 2020. Educational institutions are required to carry out learning-from-home activities through distance learning with eLearning. This is a challenge for teachers and students who have never experienced distance learning before. The purpose of this study is to describe and examine historical thinking concepts that students can develop through learning videos applied in the history class of SMA Plus Assalaam, Bandung. The method used in this study is naturalistic qualitative. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation. Data analysis uses Miles and Hubberman's model to analyze data saturation by reducing, presenting, and inferring data. In general, by using research tools that are aligned with the six elements of the Seixas concept of historical thinking, students can think historically by presenting arguments after learning. The conclusion of this study is that students’ historical thinking skills can be developed through video media learning at SMA Plus Assalaam, Bandung. Anisya Rachmiati Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 173 180 APPLICATION OF PEER TEACHING LEARNING METHODS IN LEARNING LITERACY AND NUMERACY https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8771 <p>Peer tutoring is a learning method that means students teach other students or<br />students who act as teachers. The method of peer tutor learning (peer teaching) is a<br />cooperative learning strategy where students have fostered a sense of mutual<br />understanding and mutual respect. The purpose of this study is for students to play an<br />active role and be able to solve problems together so that in students there is an even<br />understanding of the learning material provided can be achieved, as well as to describe<br />student literacy in detail using the peer teaching method in learning.<br />Keywords: learning; literacy; method; numeracy; peer teaching.</p> Nur Alicia Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 181 187 ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS' TECHNOLOGY PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE (TPACK) COMPETENCE IN HISTORY LEARNING (Research of History Teacher Survey in Sumedang District) https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8106 <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The background of this research is the competence of teaching knowledge of history teachers through the MGMP (Subject Teacher Consultation) in Sumedang Regency which is quite varied. Educators or teachers are agents of change who should continue to develop their teaching processes in the classroom. The purpose of this study was conducted to describe and analyze the description of the Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) abilities of teachers in teaching history to history teachers in Sumedang Regency. The subjects of this study were all history teachers who are members of the History MGMP in Sumedang Regency. This research is a descriptive study using a descriptive survey research method with a sample of 50 history teachers. Besides using data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire that measured attitude, behavior, and cognitive scales. The results showed that the understanding of history teachers' TPACK in Sumedang Regency was still in the growing and developing category. This is because the gap between the teacher's pedagogical abilities and content abilities is still high. TPACK's abilities do not just appear but require a long process to acquire this collection of knowledge and abilities. Analysis of history teacher competence on the results of the questionnaire by calculating the respondent's level of attainment (TCR). In conclusion, the MGMP activities as a support for the TPACK ability of history teachers in Sumedang Regency were carried out quite well and effectively, these activities included the implementation of lesson study, preparation of HOTS-based questions, workshops, discussion of lesson plans, etc. The level of achievement of respondents in the teacher competency questionnaire obtained a category with good average results.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>history teacher, history learning, pedagogical knowledge</p> Winia Pilih Hafiti Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 188 194 A Study on the Genesis of Minahasa: Symbolism in the Plot of “Toar and Lumimuut” Myth https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8110 <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Toar and Lumimuut is a genesis myth from Minahasa, an ethnicity in the northern tip of Sulawesi island, as an attempt to explain the emergence of Minahasan people. This article will examine the symbolism in the plot of the myth. The method applied in this article is descriptive qualitative, with formalistic approach. By examining the plot in search of symbolism, it appears that the myth of Toar and Lumimuut shows a rebirth from catastrophe and the attempt to repopulate the earth.</p><p><span lang="IN"><br /></span></p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>minahasa, myth, plot, symbolism</p><p><span lang="IN"><br /></span></p> Aryl Timothy Madilah Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 195 203 Endgame by Samuel Beckett Analysis as a Form of Postcolonialism https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8119 <p class="Abstract"><strong>Abstract: </strong>Play is literary works that written for the stage performance needs. It contains of dialogues and stage directions, which become the center of the play. In today society, play is not just about the dramatic, tragic or comedic story that quite claissic and usual. But it also contains of unusual play like the theater of absurd. The problem undertaken in this research relate to literary works called theater of absurd especially the play entitled ‘Endgame’ by Samuel Becket. And the objectives in this research are to find out the relation between the play and postcolonialism theory and the way to prove it. This research used descriptive qualitative method that the data are collected from the script of the play ‘Endgame’. The data collection used description as the instrument to discover the relation between the play and postcolonialism theory. As the result of the research, it describe that the relation between the play and postcolonialism theory comes up in several dialoges and naration of the play<strong><em>.</em></strong></p><p class="Abstract"><strong>Keywords: </strong>endgame, play, postcolonialism.</p> Irsya Syafinah Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 204 208 Heroism and Anti-Heroism Portrayed by Porco Rosso in Porco Rosso a Japanese Animated Film https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8129 <span>Although hero and anti-hero are on the same side of the story in which the protagonist side, both are fairly different from one another. The objectives of this study entitled, “Heroism and Anti-Heroism Portrayed by Porco Rosso in Porco Rosso a Japanese Animated Film” is to analyse what kind of hero and anti-hero a character named Porco is, and to analyse if it is possible for one character to possess both the quality of a hero and an anti-hero. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Porco Rosso is a pig-like human who was a war hero turned bounty hunter. The hero side of Porco Rosso is portrayed in the flashbacks when he was in a war. The anti-hero side is portrayed in the main setting when he has retired from the military and becomes a bounty hunter.</span> Kemala Bintang Karitna Tri Mulyani Wahyuningsih Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 209 219 MULTICULTURALISM VALUES: CONTENT ANALYSIS OF HISTORY TEXTBOOK https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8104 <p><strong>Abstract:</strong><strong> </strong>This research is a review of high school history textbooks that aims to see and analyze the content of multiculturalism values contained in history textbooks. The method used in this study is the method of qualitative content analysis (qualitative content analysis). The subjects in this study were Indonesian history textbooks for grade XI SMA (SMA) independent curriculum. The results of the study show that there are a lot of multicultural values contained in textbooks. This can be seen from the achievement of indicators that support the whole values of multiculturalism (values of tolerance, equality, and democratic values). From the results of research that shows the existence of the value of multiculturalism in accordance with the indicators, it can be said that the Indonesian history textbooks for grade XI in the independent curriculum are sufficient to display material content containing multicultural values. Thus, the history textbook for grade XI of the independence curriculum can be used as a medium to convey an understanding of the values of multiculturalism to the younger generation, namely students. The values of multiculturalism themselves are very suitable to be displayed in history textbook material; this cannot be separated from history textbooks from their use other than as a learning support medium. and the values of existing diversity. In forming the attitudes of students who can respect each other in their lives, of course, the use of history textbooks that contain multicultural values can be used as a medium for students.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>multicultural values, history textbooks, content analysis</p> Ulya Kamilatul Hayah Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 220 228 NEEDS OF THE CHARACTER "NOBITA" IN THE MOVIE DORAEMON: STAND BY ME 1 https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8109 <p>Abstract: This research is based on the many Japanese cartoon films that circulated in <br />Indonesia when the film was produced. The film features many characters who have a <br />variety of traits and personalities that characterize each character. The characterization <br />in each character can reflect the social situation that was developing and happening in <br />society at that time. This is what makes the author interested in analyzing one of the <br />most famous Japanese films, Doraemon: Stand by Me 1. The author uses Henry <br />Murray's Psychoanalysis Theory to analyze one of the most influential characters in <br />Doraemon: Stand by Me 1, namely Nobita. In this study the author collected data in the <br />form of Nobita's character needs. Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that <br />Nobita has great needs for Succorance, Exhibition, Counteraction, Affiliation, <br />Rejection. The result of Nobita's behavior in the film is a change in nature that occurs in <br />Nobita himself and changes in the environment around him.<br />Keywords: hanry murray, movies, nobita, psychoanalysis.</p> Aditya Nova Setiawan Sri Oemiati Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 229 237 The Anxieties and Defense Mechanisms of the main character in She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan: A Psychoanalysis Study https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8107 Problems are something that people will always have to deal with in their life. Sometimes when people are dealing with their problems, they will be faced with anxiety. According to Freud, anxiety is a reaction to a situation of danger, which is accompanied by physical sensations (Freud 132). The danger, here, is what the ego feels when there is a conflict within the three agencies of mind–id, ego, and superego (Freud 81). When the ego is severely strained, friction or conflict will lead to the development of anxiety (Schultz 47). This study is conducted due to the interesting facts found in the novel She Who Became The Sun, which a queer fantasy retelling of The Rise of The Ming Dynasty’s First Emperor. The main point of analysis would be discussing how Zhu, a girl who took her brother’s identity, deals with her anxieties while facing problems in her life. This research will analyze the anxieties and defense mechanisms of the main character. The first finding is that Zhu experiences neurotic, reality, and moral anxieties while facing problems in childhood, life in the monastery, when she joins the rebels. The second finding is the defense mechanisms Zhu uses to deal with her anxieties. Zhu uses repression, rationalization, and regression to reduce her anxieties. Ida Mariana Putri Sipayung Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 238 247 HOW DOES TOURIST LEARN IN MUSEUM https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8778 <p>Museums are buildings used as storage, maintenance, security and utilization of historical relics, art and science for permanent exhibition to the public (tourists) as a tourist attraction that provides educational values to tourists or visitors. To meet the needs of visitors in the museum, competent tour guides are needed as parties who provide information or provide education about the collections owned by the museum being visited. Therefore, the purpose of this journal is to review how tourists learn in museums through tour guides and what the role of tour guides as educators is, namely guiding tourists, providing information, introducing new things from the museum to visitors, informing visit regulations about things that can and cannot be done while in the museum and maintaining quality service. To fulfill the criteria of tour guides and maintain the quality and service to visitors, it is necessary to have continuous training for tour guides. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method that aims to analyze and describe how visitors or tourists gain understanding or knowledge about the museum through the role of tour guides and what kind of tour guides educate visitors. Researchers use several methods library data collection methods, reading and recording, and processing research materials. In this study, researchers found that tour guides have an important role as educators to educate tourists from the beginning to the end of a visit to the museum.<br />Keywords: Museum, Tour Guide, Tourist, Cultural, Education.</p> Oris Umbu Laki Nuga Kartika Aulina F Eugenius Manimau Amelia Lintang Hamdan Anwari Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 248 258 IMPACT OF THE MINI VLOG TREND ON TOURIST BEHAVIOR https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8783 <p>Social media platforms like Tiktok and Instagram have been shown to affect how contemporary tourists act. Since the mini vlog trend began, the practice of creating tiny vlogs has spread to the world of tourism, particularly in tourist destinations, for their personal needs and employment. It has become a must for those who experience the slight vlog trend. An in-depth analysis of the pattern of changes in tourist behaviour in tourist hotspots brought on by the micro vlog trend is the goal of this study. This paper employs a phenomenological approach and a qualitative research methodology. The main focus of the study is the experience of research participants who have accounts and actively use the social media platforms Tiktok and Instagram during the two stages, namely before and after the mini vlog craze. The mini-vlog trend in tourist places impacts each subject's psychological dynamics and behavioural patterns in two different phases, namely the phase before and after the mini-vlog trend, according to the findings of research on four subjects presented in this article. Changes can be seen in travel locations, prepared travel gear, and activities when visiting tourist destinations. This article aims to enlighten readers about mini-vlog trends that influence tourist behaviour and how mini-vlog trends might enhance the tourism industry by serving as a promotional tool for tourist locations.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong><strong> </strong>Tourist behavior; Instagram; TikTok; minivlog trends; tourist destinations.<strong> </strong></p> Margareta Lingga Siwiningtyas Hary Hermawan Nadita Eka Chandrawati Agnestasya Monica Putri Prihatno Prihatno Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-20 2023-07-20 3 1 259 268 Phatic Communication in movie clip “English Conversation 81” on YouTube By English Conversation https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8046 <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> In communication, we need a phatic communication to create a good relationship with the person we’re talking with. Phatic communication is small talk or <em>chit-chat</em>. It has a purpose, to create good social relationship, to keep in touch in communication, but sometimes the conversation don’t have any specific information to share with others. The purpose of this study is to analyze the phatic communication in "English conversation 81." In this study, a descriptive-qualitative method was used. The researcher identified 8 data categories and 12 examples in "English conversation 81". The results showed that the use of phatic communication in this movie is for breaking the silence (It contains four, there are: greetings, mentioning names, commenting on something obvious it could be directly and indirectly), small talk or chit-chat (only one example) used by speakers and listeners, keeping talking (It contains two example). Next is for expressing solidarity (only one example), expressing politeness (only found one example), creating comfort, expressing friendship (only found one example), and the last one is for expressing empathy (only found one example).</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>communication, phatic communication, English conversation 81 (2021) movie clip</em></p> Meisya Putriyana Sri Mulatsih Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-26 2023-07-26 3 1 269 274 ANALYSIS OF MAXIM VIOLATIONS IN THE TED TALKS INTERVIEW WITH ELON MUSK https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8859 An interview, especially regarding issues or phenomenal figures have currently received a lot of public attention. One of whom is Elon Musk, the co-founder and chairman of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and The Boring Company. His interview in TED Talk entitled "Elon Musk talks Twitter, Tesla and how his brain works — live at TED2022" also attracts the interest of the audience to add insight by listening to how he thinks and also his vision of the future of the world. In the interview, Elon Musk sometimes provides answers that are irrelevant to the questions, thus violating maxim of conversation. This research is aimed at analyzing maxim violations found in the interview. Qualitative descriptive analysis was used in this study. The result reveals that there are 15 maxim of quantity violations, 9 maxim of relation violations, 6 maxim of quality violations, and 4 maxim of manner violations. Maxim of quantity is mostly violated as the conversation is an interview in which the interviewee (Elon Musk) gives a lot of information and shares his thoughts regarding the topic of the interview. This research suggests that violating maxims is also needed in conversations including interview. Lutfia Rahma Purna Marta Nina Setyaningsih Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-28 2023-07-28 3 1 275 282 ATTITUDE APPRAISAL OF VIRTUAL YOUTUBER VIEWERS INTERACTION IN THE SUPER CHAT : AN SFL PERSPECTIVE https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8858 Appraisal is a system of interpersonal meaning from systemic functional linguistics that has been used as a linguistic approach (Martin &amp; Rose, 2003). This study explores the Appraisal of attitude used by the viewers of a virtual Youtuber on how they position their attitude towards the streamer under certain circumstances. The viewers are able to interact with the streamer through the use of Super Chat donation system on YouTube. The data for this study were collected from a Virtual Youtuber’s live stream purposively. Meanwhile, the collected data were analyzed by using Martin &amp; White (2003) framework to classify attitudes within affect, judgment, and appreciation. The result of this study shows that the viewers produced three subsystem of attitude, namely affect, judgment, and appreciation. The most dominant is affect with 151 items (81.62%), followed by appreciation with 17 items (9.189%), and judgment with 17 items (9.189%). The result of this study suggests that viewers are most likely expresses their positive feelings towards Youtubers whom they like, since they have already felt attached to their favorite streamer and wanted to say something nice especially after they had just returned from a long absence. Muhammad Fadhlan Falaakh Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-28 2023-07-28 3 1 283 292 Exploring Derivational Affixes on Twitter @ Poetry Daily Write https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8120 <p>This study examines the derivational affixes contained in @Poetry Daily posts on twitter. In the course of this study, there is a goal to be achieved which is to explore the derivational affixes found in those posts. Research data is obtained from the newest published posts in 2023. The descriptive quantitative method is applied in this study to collect the data. The researchers analyze the data in three stages, selecting the words which is belonged to derivational affixes, discovering the base word that is affixed with derivational affixes and categorizing the part of speech. The results reveal the occurrence of derivational affixes in @poetry daily posts on twitter is thirty nine. Three words include prefixes (un-, im- and under-), then thirty six words belong to suffixes (-ly, -able, -ful, -ize, -ion, -en, -y, -or, -ness, -ment, -ure, -er, -ty and -ation). In this study, there are four functions of derivational affixes in @poetry daily posts on twitter including adjective formers, noun formers, verb formers and adverb formers.<strong></strong></p> skolastika jaya Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-26 2023-07-26 3 1 293 302 Irony’s Implicature in Replies Intended for Ozawa Ren’s Controversial Tweet https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8102 This study aims to describe the irony’s implicature in tweets intended for Ozawa Ren’s controversial tweet. The writer uses Grice's implicature theory and Kapogianni’s irony cues theory to analyze the data. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The data analyzed are tweets intended for Ozawa Ren's return letter. The approach of this study is pragmatic, therefore the utterances are analyzed based on the context. The use of sarcasm and irony to express one's thoughts can be found in the data used in this study. This study’s discovery is there are more data that fall into the sarcasm category than in the irony category. Syaharani Azzahra Akhmad Saifudin Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-26 2023-07-26 3 1 303 310 Person Deixis Used by Steve Jobs in the Video of Steve Jobs Introduces iPhone in 2007 on YouTube https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8124 <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The objective of this study is to find one of the branches of deixis, personal deixis used by Steve Jobs when introducing Iphone in 2007 in the video of <em>Steve Jobs Introduces Iphone in 2007 </em>on Youtube and explain the reason they are used in a context. The source of the data originates from the video on YouTube and the data were collected through the ways researcher watched and noted the utterances containing personal deixis. The researcher works on qualitative method and descriptive. From the collected data, the researcher gained 134 personal deixis from the utterances produced by Steve Jobs as introducing the apple product. According to Yule (1996), they are Personal Deixis First Person Plural ('We'. 'Us', 'Our') (36.9%), third person singular ('It') (28.9%), Third Person Plural ('They', 'Them', 'Their') (16.6%), Second Person Plural ('You') (14.5%), First Person Singular ('I', 'Me') (2.9%). It can be seen that personal deixis produced the most by the speaker are 'We' and followed by 'It'. From the result, it can be implied that the speaker on the stage is representing Apple company not on behalf of personal as well as introducing their new product, so the use of 'we' is used the most that refers to the whole company and it may sign outward focus or other-oriented from Steve Jobs.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong><em> pragmatics, deixis, personal deixis, apple, steve jobs</em><em></em></p> M. Dany Faiz Sri Mulatsih Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-26 2023-07-26 3 1 311 317 Realization of Politeness to Criticize in Movie Review: One Piece Movie Red https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8112 CMC is a concept of communication media based on virtual communication, because of the anonymity guaranteed by the online arena, the author is interested in what type of realization of politeness is used especially when they criticize a work or phenomenon that is happening. The focus of this research is to find out the realization of politeness of criticism speech in film review sites using brown &amp; levinson's politeness realization strategy. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, because the analysis is in the form of description or description. The data is obtained from eiga.com movie review site. The data taken in the form of linguistic units, in the form of criticism speech in the film review site against the film one pice film RED. The listening method, with the basic technique of this method which is note taking technique, is the data collection technique used in this research. Based on the data analysis, 20 data were found and the realization of politeness of criticizing speech in one piece movie review of RED movie. Based on Brown &amp; Levinson's politeness strategy, in this study there are 4 types of politeness strategies and their sub strategies: Bald on record, positive politeness with sub-strategy ask for reason, negative politeness with sub-strategy be conventionally in direct, minimize the imposition, Rx, question hedge, off record with sub-strategy use contradiction used in criticism speech using CMC communication method. From the above explanation, it can be concluded that the use of the realization of politeness in communication using computer-based communication methods uses more Bald on record politeness realization. Because of the anonymity guaranteed by the online arena, speakers can voice criticism more easily than face-to-face interactions in the real world. In computer-based communication speakers feel freer because they do not need to consider social distance factors. Fachruroji Fachruroji Bayu Aryanto Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-26 2023-07-26 3 1 318 324 THE MEANING OF KIGO IN KYOSHI TAKAHAMA HAIKU A SEMIOTIC STUDY OF PIERCE PIERCE https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8101 <em>This study examines the meaning of Kigo in Haiku by Kyoshi Takahama through a Semiotic Analysis of Pierce. Haiku is a Japanese brief poem. The element of Kigo (season indicator) provides Haiku its uniqueness; although the haiku poem is straightforward, it appears beautiful. This promted the author's interest in Kyoshi Takahama examination of the meaning of Kigo in haiku by Kyoshi Takahama. This study aimed to explicate meaning of Kigo in haiku by Kyoshi Takahama through the lens of Peirce's semiotic theory, namely icons, indexes, and symbols. This research employed descriptive qualitative method. The author's stages include reading the haiku, classifying the Kigo according to their type, analysing and describing the meaning, and concluding with the analysis results. The utilised data source was Haiku, written by Kyoshi Takahama (???????) and published by Aozora Bunko. Kyoshi Kigo contained in haiku by Kyoshi Takahama comprised the Jiko (weather), Tenmon (astronomy), Doubutsu (animals), Shokubutsu (plants), and Tabemono (food), as determined by the analysis.</em> Pembayun - Pembayun Sri Oemiati Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-28 2023-07-28 3 1 325 334 THE USE OF SPEECH ACTS IN A CHILD WITH A SPEECH DELAY IN THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL AUTISM FAMILY https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8096 <span lang="IN">The process of developing language in children is simultaneous with the development of linguistics aspects. It does the same to children with a speech delay that is difficult to use words form to communicate with others at the expected age. These children can also communicate with another person to express their intentions. This research is aimed at analyzing the speech act elements and the functions of speech act uttered by Alistair, a family member, in the YouTube channel Autism Family. The descriptive-qualitative method was used to analyze the data. Based on Yule's classification of speech acts, the results of the analysis reveal that there are four types of speech acts expressed by Alistair, namely representative (49%), expressive (25%), directive (22%), and commissive (4%). This finding suggests that a child with a speech delay as demonstrated by Alistair has the capacity to express various pragmatic meanings, particularly in speech acts. He can perform actions through his utterances and does not think that language is an obstacle to communicate with others despite several difficulties.</span> Intan Candra Agustin Nina Setyaningsih Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-28 2023-07-28 3 1 335 346 Exploring the Educational Character Value of Naik Dango in Dayak Culture https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8115 <p>The objective of this study is to explore the educational character value of Naik Dango. This prayer ceremony is an annual ritual carried out by the Dayak Kanayat’n tribe in West Kalimantan after the harvest season. The process of prayer ritual is conducted using Batutu, Nyangahant’n <em>(consists of some stages such as, Sami, Baluh/Langko, and Panderengan)</em>, Tingkakok Nimang Padi, and Mantekg/Bapadah panutup. This research is important to explore because to enrich students’ knowledge of the educational character value of Naik Dango especially students in West Kalimantan. Descriptive qualitative method applied in this study. The data gained by analyzing several articles that discussed about the tradition of Naik Dango. The researchers analyzed the data by implementing several stages they are collecting data, compailing data, clustering the stages of Naik Dango and elaborating. Futhermore, the researchers found eight character values in each procession of the Naik Dango tradition. The values are religious, tolerance, discipline, social care, creativity, responsibility, hard work, and love for the motherland.</p> Kristian Anggi Purnomo Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-26 2023-07-26 3 1 347 353 The Analysis of Nengajo (Japanese New Year's Greeting Card) https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8128 <p class="Abstract">The act of giving and receiving New Year’s greeting cards in Japan was born out of the traditional practice of visiting family and friends on New Year’s Day to exchange greetings. These cards are usually sent to colleagues, friends, and relatives; generally anyone who has looked out for you during the year, as a form of appreciation. It can either be designed from scratch or chosen from a broad range of pre-printed designs. The card usually depicts some familiar imagery such as Mount Fuji or blooming cherry blossom branches, and also included the zodiac animal of the year. These elements or signs are then examined based on a semiotic theory, breaking it down to a signifier and signified which will then be categorized to the Denotative and Connotative sign system. The goal is to better understand the cultural meaning and symbolism in <em>nengaj?</em>.</p><p class="Abstract"><strong>Keywords: </strong>greeting card, japanese, tradition, new year, Roland Barthes</p> Margaretha Olivia Clarissa Budi Santoso Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-26 2023-07-26 3 1 354 364 Syncretism of Kakure Kirishitan as a Result of Tokugawa Government’s Authoritarianism https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8114 Abstract: The Kakure Kirishitan flow of belief in Japan, which emerged due to the authoritarian Tokugawa government system at the time, is being studied in this study for its syncretism. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method that focuses on historical concerns. Research that is specifically concerned with the past is called historical research. This study attempts to reconstruct historical events precisely and, most of the time provides an explanation for why they occurred. To be able to describe, explain, and comprehend actions or events that happened in the past, we use systematic data searching. This research aims to analyze how a belief flow can be formed and influenced by local culture and political structures; specifically, we looked at the Kakure Kirishitan community. In order to survive the struggle and ensure their existence, a new flow of belief called Kakure Kirishitan was established on the foundation of the Christian believers' colonization of Japan. As a result, a new flow of belief emerged. Since the Japanese people were under government control at the time, Kakure Kirishitan is thought to have had a favorable outcome in the form of their security.<div>Keywords: Kakure Kirishitan, Syncretism, Authoritarianism, Tokugawa Government</div> Inge Windy Dorea Bayu Aryanto Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-26 2023-07-26 3 1 365 371 The Analysis of Gacha Game Addiction on The Players' Personal Monthly Expenses https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8131 <p><span lang="IN"><span lang="EN-US">Gacha is a gaming system that relies on the player’s luck on getting their most desired item or character, with the term originating in Japan around 1960s from Gashapon or Gachapon, referring to a variety of vending machines which dispensed encapsulated toys with different rarities people can get in random, and is also currently one of many well-known systems existing within mainstream online games. The appeal of Gacha system lies in the presence of rare items amongst many ordinary ones that can only be obtained either by luck or microtransaction, hence the addiction that follows. Questionnaires regarding the players’ addiction to microtransaction as well as the system were provided to young adults. Subsequently, our findings indicate that most Gacha game players have repeatedly participated in the microtransaction for the monthly membership subscription in order to receive member-exclusive rewards for them to spend on the character they wanted<em>.</em></span></span></p><p><strong>Keyword:</strong> <span lang="EN-US">addiction, gacha system, microtransaction, mobile games, online games</span></p> Rizky Ayu Prawida Tri Mulyani Wahyuningsih Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-26 2023-07-26 3 1 372 382 The Influence of Technological Development on Culture and Lifestyle of People in Indonesia https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8428 <p>This research will explain that technological developments have had a considerable influence on the culture in Indonesia and this technology has caused several changes in the culture and lifestyle of the Indonesian people. This study aims to determine the extent of the influence of technology on culture in Indonesia. By using the literature study method in the research process to find out some information related to the influence of technology in Indonesia. The results of the discussion in this study indicate that technological advances continue to develop very rapidly and give birth to a digital society, there are changes in the lifestyle of the Indonesian people due to technological advances so that they become more pragmatic, hedonic and secular. It was also found that technological advances have a double face because they have positive and negative influences on human life. This study also explains that efforts to suppress and overcome the negative impacts of technological advances can be carried out by synergizing the roles of family, education, society and the state.</p><p> </p> Evan Bagaskara Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-28 2023-07-28 3 1 383 390 Understanding Cultural Diversity and Diverse Identities https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8111 <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Cultural diversity or often referred to as multiculturalism is a topic of concern to various countries in the world. Cultural diversity exists because of human development and civilization. Cultural diversity makes a nation more complex and unique. In addition, cultural diversity also reflects the uniqueness and differences between a nation and other nations. Cultural diversity cannot be separated from the existence of diverse cultural identities. Cultural identity is an understanding of something identical or an image associated with a culture. Diverse cultural identity means that a nation has an identity and description of its own culture and of course diversity. Regarding the relationship between cultural diversity and national identity, adequate understanding, views, and evidence must be provided on this matter. This article begins by defining cultural diversity and cultural identity. This article uses qualitative methods and library research by collecting information from several data sources, namely books, journals, the internet, and research reports. The collection of data used is observation with reading and note-taking techniques. The results of the study show that there is a relationship between understanding cultural diversity and national identity</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>culture, diversity, identity, multiculturalism, unique</p> Christina Pricilia Putri Purba Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-28 2023-07-28 3 1 391 396 THE INFLUENCE OF CULTURAL DIVERSITY ON HUMAN PERSPECTIVE https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8860 Human is an individual being and at other times, human will function as a social being. As individual beings, humans have different traits, attitudes and motivations. The existence of individual differences is basically caused by differences in the environmental situations faced by each. This includes culture which is considered to be a major factor in fostering attitudes and behavior. Culture comes from the Latin Colore which means to cultivate or work in the sense of cultivating land or farming. Thus, culture can be interpreted as things that are concerned with the mind or intellect. The influence of a very diverse culture has an impact on human perspectives. Perspective is a way of thinking about something and understanding it. Therefore, the purpose of this article review is to find out the relationship and influence between diverse cultures and the human perspective itself. The method used in this article study is a qualitative method, where we describe how culture can affect human perspectives on many things. The data collection technique is done by observation through articles available on trusted journal pages. Based on the results of data analysis, it is found that the influence of cultural diversity on human perspectives is evolving. Diva Rama Robbyanti Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-28 2023-07-28 3 1 397 404 The Ullen Sentalu Museum: Keeper of the Cultural and Historical Memories of the Yogyakarta Palace (Keraton) https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8862 This study aims to determine the role of the Ullen Sentalu Museum as a guardian of the culture and historical memories of the Yogyakarta Palace. Based on the findings of this study, the Ullen Sentalu Museum can be a museum that can be used to study the collection of relics from the Yogyakarta Palace in the past, which are interpreted as historical relics that have meaningful messages. The research was conducted directly at the Ullen Sentalu Museum on February 12, 2023. The data collection method is by using observation and literature studies. The findings of this study indicate that the Ullen Sentalu Museum is one of the museums in Yogyakarta which is a museum that acts as a guardian of culture because the collections in the Ullen Sentalu Museum are original collections originating from the Yogyakarta Palace with all the philosophy in it. In addition, the Ullen Sentalu Museum offerstwo types of tour packages where tourists will be invited to go around the Museum by seeing and learning about cultural history and tourists also will be given a treat in the form of coffee at the end of the tour. Hayu Nugraheni Daniswari Indah Putri Pratiwi Rifa aul Khasanah Fuadi Afif Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-07-28 2023-07-28 3 1 405 413 WOMEN’S STRUGGLE IN LOUISA MAY ALCOTT’S LITTLE WOMEN https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8921 <p class="Default">Little Women is a novel that discusses the lives of women and their struggle for equality. This paper aims to describe the struggle of women to get their rights as seen from the female characters in the story. The researcher uses a liberal feminism approach. To analyze the data, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. The research data were taken from the novel Little Women and several journal and article references related to the topic of discussion. The questions raised in this study are 1.) How are female characters depicted in the novel, and 2.) How are they struggling to get their freedom and rights? The results of the analysis show that female characters are described as different characters but show the same thing that they are struggling to get freedom, happiness, and the things they want. To get freedom and happiness, they do different struggles. Like Josephine, for example, besides struggling to get an education, she also shows her talent as a professional writer by publishing her writings. During the civil war in the United States, women's lives were not easy and freedom in the public and domestic spheres was still dominated by men. However, the female characters in this novel are described as independent and determined women who struggle to realize their desires and are equal to men.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>feminism, women’s struggle, women's liberalism, L<em>ittle Women</em></p> Azian Suraya Neni Kurniawati Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-08-05 2023-08-05 3 1 414 426 TRANSLATION STRATEGY ANALYSIS OF THE PROPER NAME IN THE FANTASY GREEK MYTHOLOGY NOVEL CIRCE https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8942 <span class="fontstyle0">Translation is the process of conveying the meaning of a text in the source<br />language to an equivalent text in the target language. Newmark (1998) stated, "Translating is rendering the meaning of the text into another language in the way that the author intended the text." Translation allows ideas and information to spread across cultures. It is a courier for disseminating knowledge, protecting cultural legacy, and playing a crucial role in the advancement of a worldwide economy. This paper employs a descriptive methodology. The researcher employs this technique to aid in their analysis of the novel. The data are the proper names in Madeline Miller’s Circe novel, both the English and Indonesian versions. The novel's proper name is most frequently translated using the pure borrowing technique. The second most common strategy is established equivalence. These methods resulted in the most accurate translation of the proper name.<br /></span><span class="fontstyle2">Keywords: </span><span class="fontstyle0">fantasy novel, greek mythology, proper name, translation strategy.</span> <br /><br /> Apriliana Kusumawati Raden Arief Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-08-07 2023-08-07 3 1 427 435 TRANSLATION OF IMPERATIVE SENTENCES BY THE MAIN CHARACTER IN SPONGE ON THE RUN: 2020 AND THEIR TECHNIQUES IN THE FIRST 40 MINUTES https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8941 <span class="fontstyle0">this study aims to find out Imperative sentences are typically use to order or<br />ask someone to do what they want. The film Sponge on the Run 2020, that use English for conversation between the cast also is translated into Indonesian, will collect the imperative sentences. According to the definition given by the dictionary, translation is the act of converting from one state or form to another, or from one language into another. the highest frequency of imperative sentence functions in the movie Sponge on The Run: 2020 in the first 40 minutes is command 47.6%. then proceed to the second order, which is request, has 4 frequencies and 19.0% for the percentage. The third is advice and suggestions, has the same frequency or amount, namely 2 and a<br />percentage of 9.5%. And the last one has the least amount, namely direction, prohibition, and compulsion, which only have 1 frequency and 4.8% percentage respectively. Then the result of the next research is that the translation technique for the highest frequency is established equivalent which has 8 frequencies and 38.1% percentage. Then the second is paraphrasing which has 5 frequencies and 23.8% percentage. The third is literal translation, has 4 frequencies and 19.1% percentage. And finally, discursive creation and reduction each have 2 frequencies and 9.5<br />percentage. From the percentage above, we know that main characters use commands more often in their imperative sentences and translators often use established equivalents for translation techniques in the first 40 minutes.<br /></span><span class="fontstyle2">Keywords: </span><span class="fontstyle0">imperative sentence, translation techniques, movie</span> <br /><br /> Delfi Kofita Candra Putri Raden Arief Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-08-07 2023-08-07 3 1 436 444 TRANSLATION STRATEGY OF ANALYZING THE SONG “MINE” IN ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN VERSION https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8943 <span class="fontstyle0">This study aims to examine the translation strategy used in the song "Mine".<br />Song lyrics are arranged in rows as the data. A framework created by Kerström (2009) and Chesterman (2016) was used for the analysis of translation strategies. A qualitative descriptive analysis was used to examine the study’s data. According to the research findings, there are seven translation strategies that were utilized when the translator decided to analyze the song lyrics line by line.<br /></span><span class="fontstyle2">Keywords</span><span class="fontstyle0">: song lyrics, translation strategies, “Mine”</span> <br /><br /> Nadila Eniya Putri Raden Arief Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-08-07 2023-08-07 3 1 445 455 TRANSLATION ANALYSIS OF EXCLAMATIVE SPEECH ACT IN WEBTOON SMILE BRUSH https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8940 <span class="fontstyle0">Exclamation is a word or sentence issued by someone to express feelings or<br />emotions. The data of this research is an exclamation word. Researchers used a<br />webtoon comic entitled Smile Brush as a data source in this study. In this research,<br />seven translation micro strategies used by webtoon Smile brush translators were found,<br />they are direct translation, oblique translation, explicitation, paraphrase, condensation,<br />adaptation, addition, and substitution. Apart from researching micro-strategy<br />translation, researchers are also researching the quality of the translation results carried<br />out by the Smile Brush webtoon translator.<br /></span><span class="fontstyle2">Keywords: </span><span class="fontstyle0">exclamation, interjection, smile brush, translation quality,</span> <br /><br /> Rahmawaty Diva Antyka Raden Arief Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-08-07 2023-08-07 3 1 456 465 TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES OF APOLOGIZE EXPRESSIONS ON ENOLA HOLMES VOL.2 MOVIE https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8944 <span class="fontstyle0">This research aims to learn about the expressive speech acts of apologizing<br />and to identify the most common translation techniques used in Enola Holmes Vol. 2 movies. When analyzing expressions of apologize, the researcher relied on John Searle's theory (1974). Then, translation techniques are analyzed using Molina and Albir's theory (2000). The researcher analyzed the data using a descriptive qualitative<br />method. As a result of the analysis, 12 expressions of remorse were identified. In addition, four types of translation techniques for translating statements containing expressions of regret were identified. This research uncovered the following translation techniques: established equivalent, literal translation, reduction, and variation. Based on the analysis of the data, the researcher determined that the most effective technique for translating the apologizing expressive speech acts used in the film Enola Holmes Vol.2 with 12 data points is an equivalent technique. Using an established equivalent technique, the utterances of the source language are translated<br />into the target language using a familiar term or terms. The structural forms of the source language are completely recognizable in the Enola Holmes Vol.2 movie's target language.<br /></span><span class="fontstyle2">Keywords: </span><span class="fontstyle3">apologize expressions, techniques, enola holmes vol.2, movie</span><span class="fontstyle0">.</span> <br /><br /> Tamara Juniyanti Sitio Raden Arief Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-08-07 2023-08-07 3 1 466 475 EFFECTIVENESS OF USING CHALLENGE CARD GAME IN IMPROVING JAPANESE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8985 <p>This study examines the effectiveness of learning Japanese by using the challenge card method in improving basic Japanese language learning skills. The purpose is to find out how effective Japanese language learning using the challenge card method is in improving basic Japanese language learning skills. Many Japanese learners have difficulties in implementing the three skills of reading, writing and translation. The research phase was conducted by evaluating the test results carried out before and after the game with descriptive analysis method. The results of this challenge card research show that the use of challenge card games is very effective for improving Japanese language learning skills, as evidenced by the 15 partitions there was an increase in grades in 13 participants (87%), 2 participants (13%) showed neither an increase nor a decrease in grades, and there were no participants who showed a decrease in grades.</p><p>Keywords: Japanese, edutainment, educational cards, learning method, education.</p> Veena Valentin Nazla Iftinan A. Emilia Fortuna I. Elisabeth Sekar T Tri Mulyani Wahyuningsih Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-08-13 2023-08-13 3 1 476 482 Utilization of History Club to Improve Historical Consciousness in Senior High School https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/9023 <p>Along with the progress and development of digital technology, historical consciousness in the public sphere has begun to increase. The rapid flow of information obtained from social media today has also attracted public attention to history, and people have begun to dig back into their identities. Historical consciousness can be interpreted as a form of sensitivity and appreciation of the past which can be a reflection on how humans should determine their attitude toward the present as well as the future. The consciousness of history is the mental process through which the contemporary human being orient through time, in light of historical experiences and knowledge, and in anticipation of a specific future development. Students are also part of the community, one of the efforts to increase formal historical consciousness is to involve students by forming a community that has an interest in and concern for history. Historical consciousness is not formed naturally but needs to be facilitated to develop according to the interests, and spirit of the times of students who are part of a society or community. This community makes it possible to interpret history with a different approach, namely by visiting places of historical value so that they are closer to historical sources. The method used in this research is a case study by gathering information from observations, interviews, and documentation. Information is obtained from teachers, students, and components in the history of this club. The results of the research show that there is an increase in historical consciousness. They can realize that they are an inseparable part of the past, besides that, they also show attitudes and reflections that as the younger generation we should preserve the historical heritage around them which are very valuable so that they become historical actors in their time.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>historical consciousness, history club, public history.</p> Noer Hadi Pratomo Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-08-20 2023-08-20 3 1 483 492 Learning Method: Meme Comics as Media in Learning Grammar https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/9025 <p>The widespread use of the internet in the modern era has led to several unique works, one of these unique works is memes that are spread on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and also TikTok. Memes contains a humorous product of literacy. Memes written in English integrate the English literacy concept. Meanwhile, English grammar is still considered a difficult aspect of English to understand and there are still grammatical errors found in students. Memes have become a common study in the field of linguistics. Previous research described the identification of the meaning of a meme for teenagers as users who dominate social media and thus this meme can become a new tool to be integrated to the field of education especially in learning English grammar since the humorous literacy contents they provide. English memes have an opportunities for the implementation of these two things in grammar learning which focuses on correcting grammatical errors that are often made by students. Therefore, the innovation provided by researchers is the use of meme comics as media for learning English grammar. In this study, we have an idea about learning methods using memes in learning English. Our research method is a qualitative design with interview data collection methods and also participatory observation to determine students' interest in the idea of this learning method.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>education, english grammar, grammar errors, meme comics</em></p> Burhanudin Burhanudin Kurnia Akbar Santoso Rahmah Nur Utami Safrina Afriani Felayati Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-08-20 2023-08-20 3 1 493 502 Tjimahi Heritage Community as a Learning Resource in Instilling Historical Consciousness https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/9026 <p>In the globalization era nowadays, it is easy for everyone to get information. The development of information and communication technology makes the world more open to everyone. Therefore, national identity is needed in global relations. To understand national identity, people need historical consciousness because it can form a national consciousness. Historical consciousness can be obtained by learning from various learning sources, one of which is from the historical community. The historical community as an organization engaged in history can be a good learning resource for instilling historical consciousness. Through a variety of interesting activities, the historical communities that exist in many cities in Indonesia can introduce history more pleasantly. The increasing number of people who are interested to participate in activities carried out by the historical community can have a positive influence on increasing the historical consciousness of the people. The purpose of writing this paper is to explain the role of the historical community, especially Tjimahi Heritage community, as a learning resource to increase the historical consciousness of the people. This study uses a naturalistic inquiry research method with a qualitative approach. The results of the study show that the Tjimahi Heritage community which is engaged in historical studies and preservation of old buildings can have a positive impact on the surrounding people, especially in increasing historical consciousness. This is supported by the many activities carried out by the Tjimahi Heritage community that attracts the attention of the people from various groups, including students, workers, and the general public, so many of them are involved in participating in every activity carried out by the Tjimahi Heritage community. With more and more people directly involved in the activities of the Tjimahi Heritage community, the cultivation of historical consciousness will more effective.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>learning resource, historical consciousness, historical community.</p> Feri Santoso M Warman Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-08-20 2023-08-20 3 1 503 511 Power Relations and Code Switching between Javanese College Students: A Case Study in Faculty of Humanities, UDINUS https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/8090 <span lang="EN-GB">Code-switching is an inevitable phenomenon in a bilingual and multilingual community. </span><span lang="EN-GB">The aim of this study is to discover the code-switching used in multilingual communities and its relation with the power relationship of interactants. This research used </span><span lang="IN">a </span><span lang="EN-GB">descriptive qualitative method and the data were collected from two audio </span><span lang="IN">recordings</span><span lang="EN-GB"> of six </span><span lang="IN">multilingual </span><span lang="EN-GB">college students. </span><span lang="IN">All of the participants speak three languages fluently, i.e. Ngoko Javanese, Bahasa Indonesia, and English. </span><span lang="EN-GB">The first voice recording contained </span><span lang="IN">a</span><span lang="EN-GB"> conversation between a college senior and a junior conversing about college </span><span lang="IN">students’ organizations</span><span lang="EN-GB">. The second voice recorder contained </span><span lang="IN">the conversations among three students in the same batch. The results show that in the first recording, of the speakers used Bahasa Indonesia (high variety) most of the time (82%), followed by Ngoko Javanese (low variety) for 16%; and English (high variety) for 2%. While in the second recording, the speakers mostly used Ngoko Javanese (66%), followed by Bahasa Indonesia for 32%, and a few English (2%). It can be conclude that ‘seniority’ and power relation affect the use of language choice in the data. The students consider that it is rather impolite to use Ngoko Javanese to their senior, while it is more acceptable to use Ngoko Javanese among their friends from the same batch.</span> Alya Syafi'atul Kamilah Anisa Larassati Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 3 1 512 520 Analysis of Minangkabau Language Reduplication in the Rokan Hulu Dialect in Sukadamai Village, Ujungbatu District https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/9147 <p><span class="fontstyle0">Language is an essential communication tool for humans therefore, language<br />is elementary to change and develop according to time and place. The diversity of languages in the world, especially in Indonesia, is proof that language continues and will continually grow over time. Of the many regional languages in Indonesia. In this study, the researcher will examine one of the dialects in the village where he grew up. That dialect is the Rokan Hulu dialect. Researchers researched the Rokan Hulu dialectusing morphological reduplication. Where the purpose of the researchers was to inform the public about the forms of reduplication in the Rokan Hulu dialect so that people always maintain their language along with the times. Researchers used qualitative methods for this research and the way researchers got data through audio recordings. After getting the data, the researcher started analysing the four forms of reduplication. As a result, most of the reduplication in the researcher's data is the whole reduplication.</span></p><p><span class="fontstyle0">Keywords: </span><span class="fontstyle2">Dialect; ; Minangkabau Language; Morphology, Reduplications</span> <br /><br /><br /><br /></p> Filza Innesa Anisa Larassati Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-09-06 2023-09-06 3 1 521 529 Guy de Maupassant's A Cremation: A Sociological Approach https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/9196 Literature covers various issues, including social and cultural lives. A short story, "A Cremation" by Guy de Maupassant, deals with Indian social and cultural issues. This qualitative descriptive research concerns Indian social and cultural issues by applying a sociological approach. The research aims to identify and describe social and cultural issues in the short story. The results showed some sociological aspects related to Indian cultures, such as social facts, social history, social behavior, social events, and sociocultural conditions consisting of jobs, residence, and customs. However, one aspect is not found in this short story, namely romance. Keywords: cremation, Guy de Maupassant, Indian culture, sociological approach, Ni Made Adriyani Resti Wiratami Muhammad Rifqi Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-09-13 2023-09-13 3 1 530 535 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AREL USING GENRE BASED APPROACH IN CASE BUILDING ACTIVITY https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/9197 The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of AREL in case-building activity using Genre Based Approach. The researcher used AREL to build the argument and write down the argument in written form. Dalam membangun argument, terdapat struktur argument yaitu Assertion, Reasoning, Evidence, and Link Back atau disingkat AREL. The participants of this study comes from members of Mahasaraswati Debating Community, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mahasaraswati Denpasar University, from the first semester until the fifth semester . In addition, the researcher applied Genre Based Approach (GBA) as the approach to providing the material. This study used qualitative method to presented the data. The data comes from observation, interview, and document analysis. Observation in this research was done by observing the situation of the debate practice from the beginning to the end. The writer interview the coach and debater to asked some question about AREL. After that, the writer taught AREL to the debaters. The results of case building are in written form and the writer only examines the results of the argument. As a result, the researcher can teach AREL with Genre Based Approch and implement AREL into case building to build argumentation. Keywords: AREL, case building, GBA, argument, approach Ni Made Adriyani Resti Wiratami I G. B. Wahyu Nugraha Putra Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-09-13 2023-09-13 3 1 536 542 ILLOCUTIONARY ACT USED IN SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS ANIMATED CARTOON VIDEO: SPONGEBOB IS A KARATE MASTER EPISODE https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/9198 The objectives of this study is to analyze the types of illocutionary acts used in SpongeBob Squarepants animated cartoon: SpongeBob is a Karate Master Episode. The writer used descriptive qualitative method. The theory of Searle (1979) was used in this study to analyze and find out the kinds of illocutionary act. There are five types of illocutionary act according to Searle (1979), such as: declarative, assertives, expressive, directives, and commisives. There are several steps to collect the data, they are find out the cartoon video and downloading it. In addition, the writer watched and listened the utterances in cartoon video. While watching the cartoon video, the writer attempted to find utterances included and related to speech act classification. After that, the writer made note-taking and analyzed the meaning of the utterance. Then, the writer categorized the data according to speech act types. The result of this study showed that expressive speech act has the highest frequency of occurrence expressive with consist of 11 utterances (34.43%). After that followed by directives consisting of 10 utterances (28.57%), representative consisting of 7 utterances (20%), declaration consisting of 4 utterances (11.43%), and last one is commissive consisting of 3 utterances (8.57%). Keywords: illocutionary act, cartoon video, declarative, representative, expressive, directives, commisives Ni Made Adriyani Resti Wiratami Sri Mulatsih Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-09-13 2023-09-13 3 1 543 549 The Violation of Politeness Principle Found in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory Movie https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/9199 The study aims to find out the violations of politeness principle that often do by people whether children to the elderly. Source data on this research is Charlie and the chocolate factory movie. The researcher uses qualitative method and the data analyzed descriptively. There are six type of Politeness Principle according to Leech (1983:81), there are: Tact maxim, Generosity Maxim, Approbation Maxim, Modesty Maxim, Agreement Maxim and Sympathy Maxim. From the data, the researcher discovered a 1 word, 3 phrase, 24 clause that violating of Politeness Principle by Leech (1983:81) in the Charlie and the chocolate factory movie. As a result, the researcher discovered 5 of 6 types of Violating in Politeness Principle, 24 clause/ 2 phrase/ 1 word from the data, it shows that the dominant violating of politeness principle that is shown in the movie is Modesty Maxim. It means that people prefer to give praise to themselves than the other. Keywords: Violating of Politeness Principle, movie, pragmatics Melinda Limin Sri Mulatsih Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-09-15 2023-09-15 3 1 550 558 Analysis of Phatic Functions in the Talk Show “The Tonight Show” Hosted by Jimmy Fallon https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/9277 <p>This study aims to find out the Phatic Communication functions in the talk show “The Tonight Show” hosted by Jimmy Fallon with the framework of Malinowski (1923) elaborated by Jakobson in the context of communication, then further elaborated by Jumanto (2014) for the functions of Phatic Communication. The talk show featured Jenna Ortega about her latest succeed in delivering a self-choreographed danced that went viral in the world. Jenna Ortega starred in the recent TV Series as Wednesday Addams whose first appearance of the character dated back in 1938. The researcher choose this talk show as the data of research because the setting of talk show often use many Phatic Communication types as its way of communicating to show friendliness and to encourage the guest star into talking about the topic fluently. This research found that in the talk show, the function that is found most is breaking the silence as an effort to persuade the guest star to continue speaking.<br />Keywords: Jimmy Fallon, phatic communication, talk show</p> Yolanda Marcela Binambuni Sri Mulatsih Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 3 1 559 566 Politeness Strategies Used by Moana and Maui in the “Moana” Cartoon Movie https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/9278 <p>Moana is a 2016 cartoon action-adventure movie made in the United States and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. This movie was chosen as the source data because it was awarded as one of the top five best cartoon films by Walt Disney Animation at the 2017 Oscars. And the researcher is also curious whether cartoons use politeness strategies or not. The purpose of this study is to examine the politeness strategies employed in cartoon conversations. The data analysis method employs a descriptive qualitative approach using data derived from speech and uses the sources suggested by (Brown, 1987). The results showed that there are four types of politeness used by Moana and Maui in this movie. They are bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off-record. The dominant strategy used by them is bald on record. It happens because they are close to each other.<br />Keywords: bald on record, moana and maui, politeness strategies, pragmatics</p> Nawal Afia Sri Mulatsih Copyright (c) 2023 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 3 1 567 573 “We are start go to bali at 7.30a m”: Error Analysis on Students’ Recount Writing https://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/unclle/article/view/10484 <p class="Abstract">Error Analysis (EA) represents the initial approach to investigating Second Language Acquisition (SLA) (Corder, 1971). This study examines the errors in the recount texts written by English Department students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. This research used qualitative descriptive method to analyze the data. The data were analyzed by following Shertzer’s elements of grammar (1986). The findings show that several types of errors were found in the student’s recount writing assignment. These include errors in terms of grammatical structure and writing mechanics which cover the use of verb, punctuation, capital letter, comparative, spacing, article, slang, typo (spelling errors), and conjunction. The errors indicate that students still have problems in understanding and applying English tenses and pay little attention to writing mechanics in formal writing. Furthermore, this research suggests that it is essential that the teacher acknowledge the errors made by students and motivate them to engage more in grammar learning and formal/academic writing.<strong></strong></p> Petter Hans Heavenly Nina Setyaningsih Copyright (c) 2024 UNCLLE (Undergraduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture) 2024-04-13 2024-04-13 3 1 574 580