Many people often make mistakes in communicating in their social environment. As a result the delivery of information is often unclear, or in other words they do not obey the conversational rules especially the maxims in cooperative principles (Grice H. , 2004). This study is aimed at analyzing the flouting of maxim of relevance done by the characters in the Ballerina film and to find the reasons why these characters violate the maxims. This study used a qualitative descriptive method to analyze the data. Data collection was done by downloading films and scripts, watching films, and collecting data from scripts. Data analysis was carried out by processing data into turns, ,identifying the flouting of the maxim of relevance done by the characters, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research showed that there were several turns that flouted the maxim of relevance done by several characters in the characters in Ballerina movie. The characters in the Ballerina movie commit flouting of maxim of relevance because they have certain reasons.References
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