Political Humor in Abdur Arsyad's Stand-up Comedy





political humor, stand-up comedy, types of humor, language games


The study aimed to identify types of political humor in Abdur Arsyad’s stand-up comedy by applying the Script-Based Semantic Theory of Humor (SSTH) and describing the language games to support humor. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data consisted of Abdur Arsyad’s stand-up comedy video published on Youtube. The data method collection used listening and note-taking techniques. The result showed that political humor in Abdur Arsyad’s stand-up comedy can be classified into (1) humor to criticize political figures and political groups, and (2) humor that describes bad conditions in society: political repression, education, corruption, and social inequality. Two language games are used, namely sound games and meaning games.

Author Biography

Adventyna Prahastiwi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Indonesian Language and Literature Student, Faculty of Cultural Sciences


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