LITE: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya <p><em>LITE: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya</em> <strong>(ISSN <a href="" target="_top">2548-9588</a>) </strong>is an<strong> open-access</strong> academic journal that focuses on publishing scientific papers in a mono-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, or multi-disciplinary perspective of <strong>linguistics, language teaching, translation, literature, and cultural studies</strong>. <em>LITE: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya</em> encompasses research papers from researchers, academics (lecturer and students), and practitioners. It is published <strong>twice a year</strong>, periodically in <strong>March</strong> and <strong>September</strong> by Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, <strong>Universitas Dian Nuswantoro</strong>, Semarang, Indonesia. The journal accepts papers in <strong>English</strong> (preferred) and <strong>Indonesian</strong>. <br /><em>LITE: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya</em> has been accredited as a <strong>2nd Grade Scientific Journal (SINTA 2)</strong> by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Indonesia (KEMDIKBUD RISTEK RI) based on <a title="SK Akreditasi Sinta 2" href="" target="_top">SK No. 72/E/KPT/2024</a>. 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This study aims to describe the lexical and cultural meanings of the series of events and <em>ubarampe</em> in the <em>mitoni</em> tradition in Boyolali Regency. This research is ethnolinguistic in nature because it explains the relationship between language and culture in Plumbungan Village, Banyudono District, Boyolali Regency. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection methods used participatory observation followed by recording techniques and note-taking techniques. Methods of data analysis using the equivalent method. The results of this study indicate that the lexicon in the mitoni tradition is (1) s<em>esajen</em>, (2) s<em>iraman</em>, (3) <em>mecah tigan</em>, (4) <em>brojolan</em>, (5) <em>solan salin, </em>and (6) <em>kondangan</em>. While the <em>ubarampe</em> found were (1) <em>kembang</em>, (2) <em>banyu pitung sumur</em>, (3) <em>jimbeng</em>, (4) <em>gedhang raja</em>, (5) <em>kinang</em>, (6) t<em>akir pontang</em>, (7) <em>duit koin</em>, (8) <em>jarik lumpatan</em>, (9) <em>cengkir</em>, (10) <em>jenang procot</em>, (11) <em>tumpeng</em>, (12) <em>gudhangan</em>, (13) <em>rujak</em>, (14) <em>tigan jawa</em>, and (15) <em>jenang cenil</em>. Each of these lexicons has a symbol of life for the Banyudono people. Khotimatul Rosidah, Aufa Daffa Lutfiana, Clarisma Avistha Lestari, Miftah Nugroho Copyright (c) 2024 Khotimatul Rosidah, Aufa Daffa Lutfiana, Clarisma Avistha Lestari, Miftah Nugroho Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Joko Widodo’s speeches at the 42nd ASEAN Summit: A critical discourse analysis <span>The 42<sup>nd</sup> ASEAN Summit was held in Indonesia, making Indonesia the chairman of the Summit. Joko Widodo, as the president, represented the country to welcome the ASEAN members and open the summit and the meetings by giving remarks and statements. This study attempted to examine how interpersonal metafunction is used in the opening remarks and press statements as well as to reveal the power strategy and ideology depicted in the opening remarks and press statements. Eight opening remarks and two press statements were analyzed utilizing Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics. Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis was employed to reveal the power relations and the ideology. The study found declarative, interrogative, and imperative were the mood types in which it utilized probability, obligation, and inclination modality. It showed that Joko Widodo acted as the initiator to promote collaboration to achieve ASEAN’s goals.</span> Shafira Rahmasari, Ni Gusti Ayu Roselani Copyright (c) 2024 Shafira Rahmasari, Ni Gusti Ayu Roselani Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Conceptualization of the metaphor of body parts lisanun ’tongue’ in the Koran: Cognitive semantic study This research aims to describe the conceptualization of the metaphor of body parts <em>lisanun</em> 'tongue' in the Koran. The Koran, as a guide for Muslims not only uses denotative language to convey meaning, but also figurative language, one of the variants of which is metaphor. Metaphors are basically not just words but involve the human cognitive side as well. Therefore, to understand the message in the Koran, a deep understanding of the conceptualization of metaphor is required. One of the things that is often used as a metaphorical expression is parts of the human body. Therefore, it is an object that is close to human life. This research is descriptive and qualitative in nature, with the Koran as the data source. Data were analyzed using conceptual meaning theory, according to Lakoff and Johnson. The results of the research show that the body part 'tongue' in the Koran is often used metaphorically to express several things, namely (1) the tongue as an action, which consists of the act of mocking, the act of lying, the act of accountability, the act of reading, the act of not being fluent in speaking, the act of speaking, the act of exchanging news, (2) the tongue as speech, and (3) the tongue as language. Ilham Hanif Fathurrohim, Tajudin Nur Copyright (c) 2024 Ilham Hanif Fathurrohim, Tajudin Nur Sat, 30 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Parenting at three generations of Oei Family in “Oei Hui Lan” biography Oei Hui Lan family was the richest family in Southeast Asia until 20th century, and belongs to the Chinese elite group, so they also have good connection with the western people which made Oei family’s parenting style different from other ordinary Chinese Indonesian families at their time. This makes the author interested in researching parenting styles in three generations of Oei family. The author uses library research method, namely the content analysis method to analyze the data. The data is taken from "Oei Hui Lan: Kisah Putri Sang Raja Gula dari Semarang" by Agnes Davonar. The results of the analysis are parenting style in the first generation is mostly the same as the traditional Chinese parenting style. In the second and third generations are starting to be influenced by western family parenting style. Also, the use of western parenting style from the first to the third generation is found increasing. Steffi Thanissa Halim, Grace Febriana Ardiyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Steffi Thanissa Halim, Grace Febriana Ardiyanto Sat, 30 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Employing keywords and lexical bundles within figure captions in earth science research articles The presentation of data is considered an essential part of academic writing, especially in research articles, and it could not stand alone without a short text to describe the visual data, namely figure legends. This research aims to identify the keywords and lexical bundles frequently used in figure legends. In addition, this research also examines the functions conveyed by these linguistic features. Based on the identification of the corpus, there are 334 keywords found with the 20 highest frequencies belonging to the terminologies frequently used in earth science (fault, seismic, quartz, and formation) and words related to the visual representation of the figure legends (<em>line</em>/<em>lines</em>, <em>map</em>,<em> area</em>, <em>figure</em> and <em>legend</em>). Furthermore, noun-related bundles are found to be the greatest number for lexical bundles, with 165, followed by verb-related bundles with 79, clause-related bundles with 54, and preposition-related bundles with 17. These lexical bundles perform research-oriented, text-oriented, and participant-oriented functions. These findings suggest that lexical bundles play a role in explaining the research condition, connecting visual data and research results discussed in research articles, and displaying information about visual data or specific parts of research articles to readers. Tsabita Intan Tsaqifa, Ni Gusti Ayu Roselani Copyright (c) 2024 Tsabita Intan Tsaqifa, Ni Gusti Ayu Roselani Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Communication challenges in the hospitality business: Analysis of students' strategies in learning English at STIEPARI Semarang This research aims to explore the communication challenges faced by students in the hospitality business and analyze English language learning strategies that can be used to address these challenges. The primary focus of this research is on students majoring in Hotel Accommodation at the School of Economics and Business (STIEPARI) Semarang. The main research questions involve understanding how communication challenges in the hospitality business affect students' English language communication abilities, what learning strategies can be employed by these students, and how effective these strategies are in improving their English speaking skills. The research methods include interviews, observations, and document analysis to obtain comprehensive data. The findings of this research are expected to provide in-depth insights into communication issues in the context of the hospitality business, offer recommendations for suitable English language learning strategies, and measure the effectiveness of their implementation. The findings from this research can contribute to a better understanding of how to enhance English communication skills among Hospitality major students, thus preparing them to tackle communication challenges that may arise in the hospitality industry in the future. This research is expected to serve as a basis for the development of more effective learning programs in this field. Bayu Ade Prabowo, Shella Gherina Saptiany Copyright (c) 2024 Bayu Ade Prabowo, Shella Gherina Saptiany Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Grammatical meaning of the prefix ber- in the Gurindam Dua Belas by Raja Ali Haji (Morphological study) <em>This research aims to find out the grammatical meaning of the prefix ber- in Gurindam Dua Belas by Raja Ali Haji. This research is library research using a qualitative approach. The data in this research is the forms of the prefix ber- contained in the text Gurindam Dua Belas by Raja Ali Haji. The data collection techniques used are listening techniques and note-taking techniques. This research uses Ramlan's structural morphology theory which then analyzes the data using the agih method with the expansion technique to determine the grammatical meaning of the prefix ber-. The results of the research are that there are 18 words that use the prefix ber- in Gurindam Dua Belas by Raja Ali with the allomorph forms ber- and bel-. The grammatical meaning of the prefix ber found in the context of sentences in Gurindam Dua Belas can be interpreted literally or is still continuous with its lexical meaning such as the words bertiang, bersungguh-sungguh, berjalan, berbuat, berbahagia, berilmu, bertanya, belajar, berakal, bercampur, berkata-kata, berguru, berseteru, berjasa, and beroleh. Apart from that, the prefix ber- was also found which has a figurative meaning, causing implied meanings to emerge, such as in the words bertanah and berkuda. Lastly, the use of the prefix ber- in classical Malay was discovered so that if it was not related to the context, the word could have a different meaning today, such as the word berperi.</em> Sukma Sukma, Khairina Nasution, Deliana Deliana, Dwi Widayati Copyright (c) 2024 Sukma -, Khairina Nasution, Deliana -, Dwi Widayati Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000