Conceptual metaphors of religious tolerance in online Islamic mass media


  • Millatuz Zakiyah Universitas Brawijaya
  • Destriana Saraswati Universitas Brawijaya
  • Yulianto Yulianto UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
  • Ahmad Mufarih Hasan Fadly Departement of South East Asian Social Inquiry, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of New South Wales, Canberra



cognitive linguistics, media framing, metaphor identification procedure, mixed metaphors


So far, religious tolerance in the mass media has never been studied using metaphors in a cognitive linguistic approach. In fact, through conceptual metaphors, the framing of the mass media will emerge on the issue of religious tolerance. This qualitative descriptive research collects data on news and articles about religious tolerance in online Islamic mass media during the period 2018–2023. Data were analyzed using metaphor identification procedure, conceptual metaphor theory, and mixed metaphor. The results of the study show that there are 9 source domains, namely 1) TOLERANCE IS CLOTHES, (2) TOLERANCE IS SPACES/BUILDINGS, (3) TOLERANCE IS HUMANS, (4) TOLERANCE IS THE BODY, (5) TOLERANCE IS PLANTS, and (6) TOLERANCE IS ARE THINGS, (7) TOLERANCE IS A BUSINESS COMMODITY, (8) TOLERANCE IS WAR, and (9) TOLERANCE IS A VEHICLE. In general, the metaphor of tolerance in online Islamic mass media is classified into three tones, that is positive tones, negative tones, and neutral tones. Online Islamic mass media that have a positive tone are NU Online and, mass media with a mixed tone (positive-neutral) is Suara Muhammadiyah and (positive-neutral-negative) is, and mass media with a positive tone negative are Portal Islam, Suara Islam, VOA Islam, and Era Muslim.

Author Biographies

Millatuz Zakiyah, Universitas Brawijaya

Dosen Bahasa Indonesia, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Destriana Saraswati, Universitas Brawijaya

Dosen Program Studi Ilmu Politik, Universitas Brawijaya. Scopus ID.59519062500

Yulianto Yulianto, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim

Dosen Islamic Jurisprudence, Program Studi Teknik Arsitektur Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Ahmad Mufarih Hasan Fadly, Departement of South East Asian Social Inquiry, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of New South Wales, Canberra

PhD Student at Departement of South East Asian Social Inquiry, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of New South Wales, Canberra


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How to Cite

Zakiyah, M., Saraswati, D., Yulianto, Y., & Fadly, A. M. H. . (2025). From TOLERANCE IS BUSINESS to TOLERANCE IS CLOTHING: Conceptual metaphors of religious tolerance in online Islamic mass media. LITE: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Budaya, 21(1), 149–167.


