Appraisal Analysis of Tempo’s and Kompas’ Editorials on Papua Cases


  • Hanna Latifani Daniarsa Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Sri Mulatsih Universitas Dian Nuswantoro



This study is entitled Appraisal Analysis of Tempo’s and Kompas’ Editorials on Papua Cases. This research aims to find what kind of appraisal items used in Tempo’s editorial entitled “Misunderstanding Papua” and in Kompas’ entitled “Exodus and Urgent Action”, as well as to describe the differences between them in term of appraisal. Descriptive qualitative were used as the research method. Martin and White (2005) and Martin and Rose (2007) theories regarding appraisal are used as the theoretical framework. Firstly, the editorials that talked about Papuan demonstration in September 23, 2019 were collected from Tempo’s and Kompas’ website. The data obtained were analyzed by identifying the appraising items in each clause. Then, the clauses containing appraising items were classified into the appropriate kind of appraisal items. After that, each appraisal items found were explained and the meaning behind were interpreted. And the last, drew the conclusion. The result reveals that in term of attitude, Tempo’s editorial uses more negative judgement and the appraised item is mostly the government. It shows that Tempo is not afraid to criticize the government. Meanwhile Kompas uses more negative affect and the appraised items are mainly Papuan people and the condition in Papua. It shows that Kompas chooses to express their sympathy more to those affected by the riots. In term of graduation, both editorials use more force than focus, especially intensification, to raise/emphasize their evaluation. As for engagement, Tempo and Kompas use more monogloss than heterogloss. This shows that opinions from both editorials mostly come from the writer only.Keywords: Appraisal, Attitude, Graduation, Engagement, Editorial


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