Analysis of Minangkabau Language Reduplication in the Rokan Hulu Dialect in Sukadamai Village, Ujungbatu District


  • Filza Innesa Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Anisa Larassati


Language is an essential communication tool for humans therefore, languageis elementary to change and develop according to time and place. The diversity of languages in the world, especially in Indonesia, is proof that language continues and will continually grow over time. Of the many regional languages in Indonesia. In this study, the researcher will examine one of the dialects in the village where he grew up. That dialect is the Rokan Hulu dialect. Researchers researched the Rokan Hulu dialectusing morphological reduplication. Where the purpose of the researchers was to inform the public about the forms of reduplication in the Rokan Hulu dialect so that people always maintain their language along with the times. Researchers used qualitative methods for this research and the way researchers got data through audio recordings. After getting the data, the researcher started analysing the four forms of reduplication. As a result, most of the reduplication in the researcher's data is the whole reduplication.Keywords: Dialect; ; Minangkabau Language; Morphology, Reduplications


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