Tjimahi Heritage Community as a Learning Resource in Instilling Historical Consciousness


  • Feri Santoso M Warman


In the globalization era nowadays, it is easy for everyone to get information. The development of information and communication technology makes the world more open to everyone. Therefore, national identity is needed in global relations. To understand national identity, people need historical consciousness because it can form a national consciousness. Historical consciousness can be obtained by learning from various learning sources, one of which is from the historical community. The historical community as an organization engaged in history can be a good learning resource for instilling historical consciousness. Through a variety of interesting activities, the historical communities that exist in many cities in Indonesia can introduce history more pleasantly. The increasing number of people who are interested to participate in activities carried out by the historical community can have a positive influence on increasing the historical consciousness of the people. The purpose of writing this paper is to explain the role of the historical community, especially Tjimahi Heritage community, as a learning resource to increase the historical consciousness of the people. This study uses a naturalistic inquiry research method with a qualitative approach. The results of the study show that the Tjimahi Heritage community which is engaged in historical studies and preservation of old buildings can have a positive impact on the surrounding people, especially in increasing historical consciousness. This is supported by the many activities carried out by the Tjimahi Heritage community that attracts the attention of the people from various groups, including students, workers, and the general public, so many of them are involved in participating in every activity carried out by the Tjimahi Heritage community. With more and more people directly involved in the activities of the Tjimahi Heritage community, the cultivation of historical consciousness will more effective.Keywords: learning resource, historical consciousness, historical community.


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