Community Empowerment on Wood Batik Activities in Krebet Tourism Village, Bantul Regency


  • Yovita Isa Ashari Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA
  • Mona Erythrea Nur Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA


Krebet Tourism Village, located in Bantul Regency, is a center for wooden batik crafts. The community's skills in innovating in making batik works on wood have made Krebet village one of the tourist villages that has special characteristics as a producer of handicrafts with batik motifs. This study aims to describe 1) the community empowerment process for batik activities in Krebet Tourism Village, 2) to determine the factors that support and hinder community empowerment in Krebet Tourism Village, 3) to determine the impact of empowerment on batik activities carried out in the village. Krebet Tourism. This research is qualitative research. The subjects of this research were the administrators of the Krebet Tourism Village and the Krebet Tourism Village Community. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study revealed that 1) Community Empowerment in Batik on Wood activities were carried out through the awareness stage, the capacity transformation stage, and the intellectual improvement stage. 2) Forms of Community Empowerment in Batik on Wood Activities have involved the local community in increasing the skills and self-reliance of the community, including training and outreach regarding batik, coloring, design, marketing, screen printing training and K3 training. 3) the results of Community Empowerment in Wood Batik Activities, Krebet Tourism Village, Bantul Regency, namely increased community skills and independence, development of wooden batik activities in Krebet Tourism Village and exploration of human resources and maximizing local culture. Increasing the skills and independence of the community can be seen from the formation of batik studio groups and independent associations through the Sidokaton cooperative and batik groups from the community who have participated in various types of training so as to acquire and improve skills as well as additional income. 4) Erratic weather and the lack of supporting facilities for tourists are inhibiting factors in the process of Community Empowerment in Batik Activities on Wood, Krebet Tourism Village.Keywords: community empowerment, wood batik





