Development of Student’s Historical Thinking Through Historical Learning Videos


  • Anisya Rachmiati Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This article is part of a thesis that discusses the development of students’ historical thinking with the help of learning videos. The initial condition of the problem is when the world of education faces students who cannot carry out learning activities as usual due to isolation due to the pandemic in 2020. Educational institutions are required to carry out learning-from-home activities through distance learning with eLearning. This is a challenge for teachers and students who have never experienced distance learning before. The purpose of this study is to describe and examine historical thinking concepts that students can develop through learning videos applied in the history class of SMA Plus Assalaam, Bandung. The method used in this study is naturalistic qualitative. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation. Data analysis uses Miles and Hubberman's model to analyze data saturation by reducing, presenting, and inferring data. In general, by using research tools that are aligned with the six elements of the Seixas concept of historical thinking, students can think historically by presenting arguments after learning. The conclusion of this study is that students’ historical thinking skills can be developed through video media learning at SMA Plus Assalaam, Bandung.


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