Person Deixis Used by Steve Jobs in the Video of Steve Jobs Introduces iPhone in 2007 on YouTube


  • M. Dany Faiz Dian Nuswantoro University
  • Sri Mulatsih Dian Nuswantoro University


Abstract: The objective of this study is to find one of the branches of deixis, personal deixis used by Steve Jobs when introducing Iphone in 2007 in the video of Steve Jobs Introduces Iphone in 2007 on Youtube and explain the reason they are used in a context. The source of the data originates from the video on YouTube and the data were collected through the ways researcher watched and noted the utterances containing personal deixis. The researcher works on qualitative method and descriptive. From the collected data, the researcher gained 134 personal deixis from the utterances produced by Steve Jobs as introducing the apple product. According to Yule (1996), they are Personal Deixis First Person Plural ('We'. 'Us', 'Our') (36.9%), third person singular ('It') (28.9%), Third Person Plural ('They', 'Them', 'Their') (16.6%), Second Person Plural ('You') (14.5%), First Person Singular ('I', 'Me') (2.9%). It can be seen that personal deixis produced the most by the speaker are 'We' and followed by 'It'. From the result, it can be implied that the speaker on the stage is representing Apple company not on behalf of personal as well as introducing their new product, so the use of 'we' is used the most that refers to the whole company and it may sign outward focus or other-oriented from Steve Jobs. Keywords: pragmatics, deixis, personal deixis, apple, steve jobs



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