Exploring Derivational Affixes on Twitter @ Poetry Daily Write


  • skolastika jaya Universitas Katolik Santo Agustinus Hippo


This study examines the derivational affixes contained in @Poetry Daily posts on twitter. In the course of this study, there is a goal to be achieved which is to explore the derivational affixes found in those posts. Research data is obtained from the newest published posts in 2023. The descriptive quantitative method is applied in this study to collect the data. The researchers analyze the data in three stages, selecting the words which is belonged to derivational affixes, discovering the base word that is affixed with derivational affixes and categorizing the part of speech. The results reveal the occurrence of derivational affixes in @poetry daily posts on twitter is thirty nine. Three words include prefixes (un-, im- and under-), then thirty six words belong to suffixes (-ly, -able, -ful, -ize, -ion, -en, -y, -or, -ness, -ment, -ure, -er, -ty and -ation). In this study, there are four functions of derivational affixes in @poetry daily posts on twitter including adjective formers, noun formers, verb formers and adverb formers.


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