Endgame by Samuel Beckett Analysis as a Form of Postcolonialism


  • Irsya Syafinah Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Abstract: Play is literary works that written for the stage performance needs. It contains of dialogues and stage directions, which become the center of the play. In today society, play is not just about the dramatic, tragic or comedic story that quite claissic and usual. But it also contains of unusual play like the theater of absurd. The problem undertaken in this research relate to literary works called theater of absurd especially the play entitled ‘Endgame’ by Samuel Becket. And the objectives in this research are to find out the relation between the play and postcolonialism theory and the way to prove it. This research used descriptive qualitative method that the data are collected from the script of the play ‘Endgame’. The data collection used description as the instrument to discover the relation between the play and postcolonialism theory. As the result of the research, it describe that the relation between the play and postcolonialism theory comes up in several dialoges and naration of the play.Keywords: endgame, play, postcolonialism.

Author Biography

Irsya Syafinah, Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

English Literature Department Student


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