Exploring the Educational Character Value of Naik Dango in Dayak Culture


  • Kristian Anggi Purnomo Universitas Katolik Santo Agustinus Hippo


The objective of this study is to explore the educational character value of Naik Dango. This prayer ceremony is an annual ritual carried out by the Dayak Kanayat’n tribe in West Kalimantan after the harvest season. The process of prayer ritual is conducted using Batutu, Nyangahant’n (consists of some stages such as, Sami, Baluh/Langko, and Panderengan), Tingkakok Nimang Padi, and Mantekg/Bapadah panutup. This research is important to explore because to enrich students’ knowledge of the educational character value of Naik Dango especially students in West Kalimantan. Descriptive qualitative method applied in this study. The data gained by analyzing several articles that discussed about the tradition of Naik Dango. The researchers analyzed the data by implementing several stages they are collecting data, compailing data, clustering the stages of Naik Dango and elaborating. Futhermore, the researchers found eight character values in each procession of the Naik Dango tradition. The values are religious, tolerance, discipline, social care, creativity, responsibility, hard work, and love for the motherland.


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