Syncretism of Kakure Kirishitan as a Result of Tokugawa Government’s Authoritarianism


  • Inge Windy Dorea Dian Nuswantoro University
  • Bayu Aryanto


Abstract: The Kakure Kirishitan flow of belief in Japan, which emerged due to the authoritarian Tokugawa government system at the time, is being studied in this study for its syncretism. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method that focuses on historical concerns. Research that is specifically concerned with the past is called historical research. This study attempts to reconstruct historical events precisely and, most of the time provides an explanation for why they occurred. To be able to describe, explain, and comprehend actions or events that happened in the past, we use systematic data searching. This research aims to analyze how a belief flow can be formed and influenced by local culture and political structures; specifically, we looked at the Kakure Kirishitan community. In order to survive the struggle and ensure their existence, a new flow of belief called Kakure Kirishitan was established on the foundation of the Christian believers' colonization of Japan. As a result, a new flow of belief emerged. Since the Japanese people were under government control at the time, Kakure Kirishitan is thought to have had a favorable outcome in the form of their security.Keywords: Kakure Kirishitan, Syncretism, Authoritarianism, Tokugawa Government


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