Realization of Politeness to Criticize in Movie Review: One Piece Movie Red


  • Fachruroji Fachruroji Dian Nuswantoro University
  • Bayu Aryanto Dian Nuswantoro University


CMC is a concept of communication media based on virtual communication, because of the anonymity guaranteed by the online arena, the author is interested in what type of realization of politeness is used especially when they criticize a work or phenomenon that is happening. The focus of this research is to find out the realization of politeness of criticism speech in film review sites using brown & levinson's politeness realization strategy. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, because the analysis is in the form of description or description. The data is obtained from movie review site. The data taken in the form of linguistic units, in the form of criticism speech in the film review site against the film one pice film RED. The listening method, with the basic technique of this method which is note taking technique, is the data collection technique used in this research. Based on the data analysis, 20 data were found and the realization of politeness of criticizing speech in one piece movie review of RED movie. Based on Brown & Levinson's politeness strategy, in this study there are 4 types of politeness strategies and their sub strategies: Bald on record, positive politeness with sub-strategy ask for reason, negative politeness with sub-strategy be conventionally in direct, minimize the imposition, Rx, question hedge, off record with sub-strategy use contradiction used in criticism speech using CMC communication method. From the above explanation, it can be concluded that the use of the realization of politeness in communication using computer-based communication methods uses more Bald on record politeness realization. Because of the anonymity guaranteed by the online arena, speakers can voice criticism more easily than face-to-face interactions in the real world. In computer-based communication speakers feel freer because they do not need to consider social distance factors.


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