Winia Pilih Hafiti


Abstract: The background of this research is the competence of teaching knowledge of history teachers through the MGMP (Subject Teacher Consultation) in Sumedang Regency which is quite varied. Educators or teachers are agents of change who should continue to develop their teaching processes in the classroom. The purpose of this study was conducted to describe and analyze the description of the Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) abilities of teachers in teaching history to history teachers in Sumedang Regency. The subjects of this study were all history teachers who are members of the History MGMP in Sumedang Regency. This research is a descriptive study using a descriptive survey research method with a sample of 50 history teachers. Besides using data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire that measured attitude, behavior, and cognitive scales. The results showed that the understanding of history teachers' TPACK in Sumedang Regency was still in the growing and developing category. This is because the gap between the teacher's pedagogical abilities and content abilities is still high. TPACK's abilities do not just appear but require a long process to acquire this collection of knowledge and abilities. Analysis of history teacher competence on the results of the questionnaire by calculating the respondent's level of attainment (TCR). In conclusion, the MGMP activities as a support for the TPACK ability of history teachers in Sumedang Regency were carried out quite well and effectively, these activities included the implementation of lesson study, preparation of HOTS-based questions, workshops, discussion of lesson plans, etc. The level of achievement of respondents in the teacher competency questionnaire obtained a category with good average results.

Keywords: history teacher, history learning, pedagogical knowledge

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