
  • Ulya Kamilatul Hayah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Abstract: This research is a review of high school history textbooks that aims to see and analyze the content of multiculturalism values contained in history textbooks. The method used in this study is the method of qualitative content analysis (qualitative content analysis). The subjects in this study were Indonesian history textbooks for grade XI SMA (SMA) independent curriculum. The results of the study show that there are a lot of multicultural values contained in textbooks. This can be seen from the achievement of indicators that support the whole values of multiculturalism (values of tolerance, equality, and democratic values). From the results of research that shows the existence of the value of multiculturalism in accordance with the indicators, it can be said that the Indonesian history textbooks for grade XI in the independent curriculum are sufficient to display material content containing multicultural values. Thus, the history textbook for grade XI of the independence curriculum can be used as a medium to convey an understanding of the values of multiculturalism to the younger generation, namely students. The values of multiculturalism themselves are very suitable to be displayed in history textbook material; this cannot be separated from history textbooks from their use other than as a learning support medium. and the values of existing diversity. In forming the attitudes of students who can respect each other in their lives, of course, the use of history textbooks that contain multicultural values can be used as a medium for students.Keywords: multicultural values, history textbooks, content analysis

Author Biography

Ulya Kamilatul Hayah, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Program Pendidikan Sejarah. SPS Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


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