The Effectiveness of Pictoword Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery


  • Anggun Rista Pratiwi University of PGRI Semarang
  • Anggun Rista Pratiwi University of PGRI Semarang


One of the main problems faced by students in mastering and learning English is a lack of vocabulary. Based on the curiosity, the researchers have the concern to find the effective way to make the students increase their vocabulary mastery using Pictoword Game. The aim of the study is to investigate the significant difference of Pictoword Game Application to improve students’ vocabulary mastery as well as their perception. This study is quantitative research design using quasi experimental with experiment and control group. The researchers analysed the data using SPSS 27 version. Test and questionnaire were utilized to collect the data. The result revealed that students who were taught without using Pictoword Game was lower than the result students who were taught with Pictoword Game was shown by the mean score of pre-test 52,83 and post-test was 71,30. The result of students’ who were taught with using Pictoword Game was higher than students’ who were taught without using Pictoword Game. It was shown by the mean score of pre-test was 68,26 and post-test was 85,87. The significance was supported by the students’ perception show that 86% of the classroom member stated that their English performances have improved by using Pictoword Game Application and they want to recommend it to use by others. The next researcher or should make and interesting material using media. Teacher can use Pictoword Game as a media for teaching vocabulary.


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