Analysis of Suffixed Words in The Los Angeles Time Newspaper


  • Meisya Zahira Shofa Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Jumanto Jumanto Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Jumanto Jumanto Universitas Dian Nuswantoro


Newspapers are about news, daily activity, and other things. Created by journalists, it is used to report information for people. This media is printed in white and black color with the background too. Newspapers still exist and are useful for people to get information through newspapers. LA Times is a newspaper from Los Angeles, California. It includes news, entertainment, politics, sports, and others. Newspapers can be accessed on social media currently and the website itself because it is fitted with the modern world. Hence, this research uses the LA Times newspaper as one of the main sources to analyze and find the suffixed words. Every vocabulary item must have a basic word which is then developed with affixes. Like "eat" which becomes eat, eating, eaten, and more. And that is what is called an affix. But there are many types of affixes such as suffix, affix, and prefix. In studying morphology, we need to know how the meaning and examples of suffixes, affixes, and prefixes are. In simple terms, affixes are affixes that are added to base words. For example, the word read with an affix can be: read(ing), (re)read, read(er), and others. And affixes have two types, namely prefixes and suffixes. The affix that is added at the beginning is a prefix, while the affix added at the end is a suffix. A word can be added prefix and suffix at the same time. The addition of a suffix often results in a change in the last letter or syllable or the omission of the final letter (especially the omitted letter e). In linguistics, a suffix is an affix that is placed after the base word or verb. According to Willey (2006, p.103-107) says that there are two types of suffixes in English. They are derivational and inflectional. The derivational suffix is more numerous. When added to a base word, this type of suffix creates a new word that is derived from the based word but has a different meaning. It means that a derivational suffix is a form of a new word that has a new meaning. The inflectional suffix indicates the grammatical forms of words such as the tense or case of verbs, whether a word is an adjective or adverb, and whether a noun is plural or singular.





