This research entitles “Translation Techniques in The Label of Cosmetic Products”. This research focuses on analyzing and identifying the translation techniques to translate the sentence on the label of cosmetic products. This research used the descriptive qualitative method. The source language of the data is English, and the target language is Indonesian. The theories employed are translation techniques by Molina and Albir (2002). The researcher found 64 data and 11 translation techniques. These are Borrowing, Established Equivalent, Literal Translation, Transposition, Discursive Creation, Amplification, Reduction, Linguistic Amplification, Linguistic Compression, Modulation, and Adaptation. From the data analysis, the most translation technique used to translate the label of cosmetic products is the Borrowing translation technique. It is because there is a word that cannot replace another word. An example is the product name. It cannot be changed because the product name is the brand's identity. The other example is a natural ingredient like vitamin E. This is a common word already known by people from both languages.References
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