Word Formation Analysis of The Acronym On Popular Brand Names


  • Meisy Andriningtyas Dian Nuswantoro University


Abstract: Brand names are unique units of linguistics that represent particular names for products or services within a particular context. The products or services can usually be noted and get popular in the market places. This present research is about a morphological analysis and the brand names selected as the data source, and how they link to acronym as a word-formation type in morphology. Among other word-formation types, the researchers chose acronym as the subject under analysis for particular reasons. One of the reasons is that acronym is spelled as uniquely as a word in general so that the pronunciation of the acronym is not difficult. The purpose of this research was to identify the acronyms on well-known brand names obtained from the Internet. This research used descriptive qualitative methods. The data in this research were 100 well-known brand names taken from the internet through browsing and observing methods. The analysis of the data showed, among others, that most acronyms were sorted by the initials and some acronyms were sorted by some alphabet of each word. The acronyms and abbreviations were similar but were considered different. The acronym and abbreviation features used in well-known brand names were to minimize the space given to brand advertising. Therefore, it is suggested that English learners should pay more attention to the types of acronyms and abbreviations, especially for those who want to learn word-formation. Upon the findings, it is hoped that more brand names can be analyzed by other researchers so that probably different results can be obtained and different morphological behaviors can be identified to complete this present research. Keywords: morphological analysis; word-formation; acronym; brand name; linguistic behaviors of word formation  


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