
  • Niken Kurniasih Dian Nuswantoro University
  • Sri Mulatsih Universitas Dian Nuswantoro


Abstract. This study aims to find out the pragmatics-linguistics subject of the types of expressive speech acts and to describe the utterances which performed by the main character from the movie entitled ‘Encanto’. The researcher uses qualitative method and the data analyzed descriptively. From the data, the researcher discovered some utterances containing the types of expressive speech act by Searle’s theory (1976). There are six type of expressive speech acts according to Searle (1976), they are; Expressive of Congratulating, Expressive of Apologizing, Expressive of Thanking, Expressive of Wishing, Expressive of Attitudes, and Expressive of Greetings. There are 48 utterances of expressive speech acts produced by the main character in ‘Encanto’ movie. As a result, the researcher discovered 5 out 6 types of the expressive speech acts, Expressive of Attitudes (47,92%), Expressive of Greetings (18,75%), Expressive of Apologizing (14,58%), Expressive of Wishing (14,58%), and Expressive of Thanking (4,17%). From the data, it shows that the most dominant type produced the main character is Expressive of attitudes. It means that the main character wants to express her feelings about dislike, complaining, and criticizing.Keywords: expressive speech act, illocutionary act, movie, pragmatics


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