
  • Vernaldi Agriansya Dwi Saputra STP AMPTA Yogyakarta
  • hermawan prasetyanto STP AMPTA Yogyakarta
  • Heni Susilowati STP AMPTA Yogyakarta


This study was conducted with the aim of knowing students' awareness of the use of edible flowers as a garnish in the presentation of their food. Descriptive qualitative research is a research method used by means of observation, documentation studies, and distributing questionnaires. The Culinary Club Student Activity Unit is the population of this study. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling with 56 respondents. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that students' awareness of the use of edible flowers is in a fairly good category and students' awareness of the impact of edible flowers on food is in good categoryKeywords: Edible Flower, Food Servin, Garnishes, Student Awareness

Author Biographies

Vernaldi Agriansya Dwi Saputra, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

vernal is a student in STP AMPTA. his resech is focus on gastronomy, culinary tourism, and hotel.

hermawan prasetyanto, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

hermawan is a lecture at STP AMPTA. his resech focus on hotel management, culinary tourism, and hotel.

Heni Susilowati, STP AMPTA Yogyakarta

heni is a lecture at STP AMPTA. her resech focus on gastronomy, culinary tourism, and hotel.


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