

Jenang is a typical Indonesian food made from a mixture of glutinous rice or rice flour mixed with coconut milk and brown sugar. Jenang is a traditional food that is still very popular and loved by many people, especially the people of Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study is to determine the philosophy of jenang and its processing methods, materials, and tools used in the process of making traditional jenang as a gastronomy tourism conservationist. The research method used is a qualitative research method where the objects of this research are five different kinds of jenang, which include jenang sumsum, jenang candhil, jenang procot, jenang abang putih, and jenang ireng. Meanwhile, the subjects of this study are gastronomy experts and traders or producers of jenangmakers. The sample population in this study were traders or producers of jenang makers purposively. Therefore, the data collection techniques in this study were using interviews, observation, documentation and literature study. Furthermore, the data analysis in this study is using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the philosophical meaning of these five jenang is safety and welfare in living daily life. While, the ingredients used are local ingredients such as rice flour, coconut milk, Javanese sugar and others.Keywords: jenang, gastronomy tourism, traditional food preservation

Author Biographies

Bulqis Purnama Dewi, stp ampta yogyakarta

she is currenly studying in ampta

Setyo Prasiyono Nugroho, stp ampta yogyakarta

setyo prasiyono nugroho is currently teaching at ampta. he hold his master degree at gajah mada university in 2013. his reasech interests are gastronomy, culinary tourism and toursm studies.

sahlit Sugesti, stp ampta yogyakarta

sahlit sugesti is currently teaching at ampta. his reasech interests are management and hotels studies.


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