

Abstract: Super chats are popular in the Virtual YouTuber community. This platform enable the viewers to donate their money to express what they feel or react to certain situation that is happening during the live stream session. This study aims to find out the speech acts and their illocutionary forces used by the viewers of a Virtual Youtuber in super chats. The data were taken from the archive of a Virtual Youtuber live stream as the interactions in the Super Chat. This research used descriptive qualitative method.  The result of this study shows that the most dominant speech act is expressive (46,53%) followed successively by assertive (28,71%), directive (20,80%), and commissive (3,96%). In addition, some illocutionary forces were found, namely asserting, promising, excommunicating, explaining in pain, inquiring, and ordering. Expressive speech act was mostly used, for example when the viewers thanked a Virtual Youtuber because she/he made the viewer have a happy year. By analyzing the viewers’ speech act pattern, this study further raises the awareness of what the viewers are trying to express while they are watching their favorite streamers.Keywords: illocutionary speech act, live streaming, pragmatics, super chat, virtual youtuber


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