

In English lesson classrooms, pronunciation has not received special attention starting from elementary to college. This urgency needs to be highlighted. After Covid-19 virus began to show its impact on the field of education, the learning process was carried out online. However, technology in the 4.0 era by utilizing artificial intelligence that focuses on applications has been a big help. Applications are growing very rapidly, especially pronunciation applications. Due to the growing number of pronunciation applications, the current study aimed at analyzing some pronunciation applications which could be found and downloaded using both Android and iOs and recommended to be used in higher education due to the concept of artificial intelligence, element, and aspect of pronunciation skill. Then, a qualitative descriptive method as applied using observation and documentation within November 2021 to March 2022. The researchers found 15 pronunciation applications as well as proved that the application called Elsa Speak is the most recommended one. It has more advantages, namely: can be downloaded for free, can detect pronunciation errors with 90% accuracy, users can get feedback to fix errors, provide 1.200 lessons and more than 60 topics, and offer an interactive dictionary. The assessment and score included pronunciation, fluency, intonation, word stress and listening. It also has a few disadvantages, including: free but paid downloads when using certain features, frequent errors, have disadvantages in the detection of user pronunciation, so sometimes there are mispronunciations. From the elements and aspects, it has been proven to be the most complete, namely stress, intonation, accuracy, and fluency. However, this pronunciation application is expected to be a recommendation for learning English pronunciation especially in the higher education environment anywhere and anytime. Keywords: Pronunciation Application, Artificial Intelligence, analysis.


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