The lives of the characters in the novel cannot be separated from the social problems that become the conflict behind the story. A social problem will lead to a deviation that will create irregularities in social life. Because the novel is something that can be studied more deeply, this study aims to examine social problems and deviations that occur in society starting from their form, background, and impact. This research uses data sources from Okky Madasari's novel 86 because it shows this, so it is interesting to investigate more deeply using socio-historical reality theory. This research is qualitative descriptive research that uses secondary data. The data collection technique was carried out using a read-note technique to understand the entire data. From the discussion process that has been carried out, it is found that forms of social deviation can be considered as crimes. The deviation is based on four main influencing factors, namely economic, socio-cultural, psychological, and biological factors. After knowing these two things, it is also necessary to know about the impact that is shown in the fictional story in novel 86. The characters who commit social deviations have a lot of bad impacts on the surrounding environment. The bigger the deviation, the worse the impact will be. From the three discussions, it can be concluded that in novel 86, the story conflict is centered on the social deviations of the characters. Because it is so close to people's lives, this can be learned a lot about social deviations such as form, background, and the impact caused by the deviations committed.References
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