
  • Anis Safira Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Th. Cicik Sophia Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Sukma Nur Ardini Universitas PGRI Semarang


Acquiring vocabulary is critical for language acquisition. The current research is aimed at enhancing young learners' English vocabulary proficiency. It was designed to examine the application of the Total Physical Response (TPR) method in the context of vocabulary mastery. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were any significant variations in students' vocabulary mastering success prior to and following the use of the TPR approach. TPR is a form of language instruction that focuses on the coordination of voice and action. To accomplish the research's objective, a pre-experimental design was adopted. The sample consisted of 32 first-graders from SMP N 1 Kendal. Pre- and post-tests consisting of multiple choice, matching, and translating tests were used to collect data. The data was then analyzed in SPSS using the t-test method to determine the value of the t-test and t-table, which were used to determine whether there was a significant improvement in students' vocabulary before and after TPR application. The results of the data analysis of the pupils' pre-test indicated that they lacked vocabulary. On the other hand, after implementing the TPR method, pupils' scores climbed. The post-test scores of the students exceeded 100 points. It was greater than the pre-test score of around 65 points. The t-test result was 9,594 when calculated using formulae. Meanwhile, the t-table at the 5% level of significance was 2,04. The result indicates that the t-test was greater than the t-table. It demonstrates a considerable improvement in pupils' vocabulary mastery following therapy with the TPR method. One of the primary factors affecting the students' progress was their motivation in teaching the learning process via Total Physical Response. The researcher concluded from this evidence that TPR aids pupils in their vocabulary acquisition.Keywords: implementation, TPR, vocabulary, young learners.


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