
  • Anggun Triyono Putri STP AMPTA YOGYAKARTA
  • Setyo Prasiyono Nugroho STP AMPTA Yogyakarta
  • Amelia Lintang Mahiswara STP AMPTA YOGYAKARTA


This study aims to find out the effectiveness of promotional strategies to increase the touristvisits to Pentingsari Tourism Village. In this study, researchers involved marketing managers and heads of Pokdarwis as the research subjects. In collecting the data, the researchers used purposive sampling method in which the researchers chose the subjects who were deemed appropriate according to the research criteria such as it must be related to tourism activities in the tourism village of Pentingsari and must be related to promotions or marketing carried out in the tourism village of Pentingsari. The results of this study showed that the cut-off point was at (3. 25 : 3.19). This value is obtained through internal analysis and external factors from Pentingsari tourism village. Based on the cut point that has been obtained, it is known that it is in quadrant I, which means that the promotional strategy which is carried out has been able or is effectively used to increase tourist visits to Pentingsari tourism village. Meanwhile, based on the results of the SWOT analysis that has been carried out, it is known that the appropriate promotion strategy to be carried out in Pentingsari tourism village is to take advantage of the strengths possessed by the tourism village of Pentingsari and take advantage of existing opportunities, so that the SO (Strength Opportunity) strategy is the best strategy or most effectively used as a promotional or marketing strategy in the tourism village of Pentingsari. These results include establishing written cooperation with stakeholders to obtain input and support in promotions in Pentingsari tourism village. Providing special prices or rate to influencers or endorsers is to expand the market of Pentingsari tourismn village so, they can be more active in promoting the village through their social media.Keywords: marketing, pentingsari tourism village, promotion, tourist visit


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