“We are start go to bali at 7.30a m”: Error Analysis on Students’ Recount Writing


  • Petter Hans Heavenly Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Nina Setyaningsih Universitas Dian Nuswantoro


Error Analysis (EA) represents the initial approach to investigating Second Language Acquisition (SLA) (Corder, 1971). This study examines the errors in the recount texts written by English Department students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. This research used qualitative descriptive method to analyze the data. The data were analyzed by following Shertzer’s elements of grammar (1986). The findings show that several types of errors were found in the student’s recount writing assignment. These include errors in terms of grammatical structure and writing mechanics which cover the use of verb, punctuation, capital letter, comparative, spacing, article, slang, typo (spelling errors), and conjunction. The errors indicate that students still have problems in understanding and applying English tenses and pay little attention to writing mechanics in formal writing. Furthermore, this research suggests that it is essential that the teacher acknowledge the errors made by students and motivate them to engage more in grammar learning and formal/academic writing.


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