Multi-label Classification of Indonesian Al-Quran Translation based CNN, BiLSTM, and FastText


  • Ahmad Rofiqul Muslikh University of Merdeka Malang
  • Ismail Akbar University of Merdeka Malang
  • De Rosal Ignatius Moses Setiadi Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Hussain Md Mehedul Islam



Bi-LSTM, CNN, FastText, Multi-label text classification, Quran translation


Studying the Qur'an is a pivotal act of worship in Islam, which necessitates a structured understanding of its verses to facilitate learning and referencing. Reflecting this complexity, each Quranic verse is rich with unique thematic elements and can be classified into a range of distinct categories. This study explores the enhancement of a multi-label classification model through the integration of FastText. Employing a CNN+Bi-LSTM architecture, the research undertakes the classification of Quranic translations across categories such as Tauhid, Ibadah, Akhlak, and Sejarah. Based on model evaluation using F1-Score, it shows significant differences between the CNN+Bi-LSTM model without FastText, with the highest result being 68.70% in the 80:20 testing configuration. Conversely, the CNN+Bi-LSTM+FastText model, combining embedding size and epoch parameters, achieves a result of 73.30% with an embedding size of 200, epoch of 100, and a 90:10 testing configuration. These findings underscore the significant impact of FastText on model optimization, with an enhancement margin of 4.6% over the base model.

Author Biography

Ahmad Rofiqul Muslikh, University of Merdeka Malang

Scopus ID: 57282930500


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