About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Journal of Multiscale Materials Informatics (JIMAT) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, free of APC (until December 2025), published 2 times (April and October) in one year, and has ISSN: 3047-5724. JIMAT is an interdisciplinary journal emphasis on cutting-edge research situated at the intersection of materials science and engineering with data science. The journal aims to establish a unified platform catering to researchers utilizing and advancing data-driven methodologies, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for the analysis and prediction of material properties, behavior, and performance. Our overarching mission is to propel and distribute innovative research that expedites the progress of materials research and discovery through the utilization of data-centric approaches.

The journal publishes papers in the areas of, but not limited to:

  • Interdisciplinary research integrating physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, mechanics, engineering, materials science, and computer science.
  • Materials informatics, physics informatics, bioinformatics, chemoinformatics, medical informatics, agri informatics, geoinformatics, astroinformatics, etc.
  • Quantum computing, quantum information, quantum simulation, quantum error correction, and quantum sensors and metrology.
  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and statistical learning to analyze materials data.
  • Data mining, big data, and database construction of materials data.
  • Data-driven discovery, design, and development of materials.
  • Development of software, codes, and algorithms for materials computation and simulation.
  • Synergistic approaches combining theory, experiment, computation, and artificial intelligence in materials research.
  • Theoretical modeling, numerical analysis, and domain knowledge approaches of materials structure-activity-property relationship.

Special emphasis is given to recent trends related to cutting-edge research within the domain. 

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts were reviewed anonymously by reviewers (double-blind) appointed by the editor according to their field of expertise. Confirmation of loading/rejection of the manuscript will be notified in writing via email. Authors are given the opportunity for a maximum of one month to make improvements (revisions) to the manuscript based on recommendations/suggestions from reviewers and editors.

Publication Frequency

JIMAT is published 3 times (April, August, December) in one year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Ethics

Scientific publication ethics, as delineated by Regulation Number 5 of 2014 issued by the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Science, underscores three fundamental ethical principles: Neutrality, Justice, and Honesty. Neutrality entails the impartial management of publications, devoid of extraneous interests. Justice mandates the equitable treatment of entitled authors. Honesty necessitates the absence of duplicity, plagiarism, forgery, and fabrication within publications.

Outlined within the aforementioned regulation are the codes of ethics governing scientific journal management, editorial roles, reviewers, and authors. Scientific journal managers bear the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Defining the journal's nomenclature, scientific domain, periodicity, and potential accreditation.
  2. Establishing the editorial board's composition.
  3. Clarifying contractual relationships between publishers, editors, and other stakeholders.
  4. Safeguarding confidentiality concerning contributing researchers, authors, editors, and publisher associates.
  5. Enforcing norms and regulations concerning intellectual property rights, notably copyright.
  6. Reviewing journal policies and disseminating them to authors, the editorial board, reviewers, and readers.
  7. Formulating codes of conduct for editors and reviewers.
  8. Ensuring regular journal publications.
  9. Securing funding sources to sustain journal publication.
  10. Cultivating collaborative and marketing networks.
  11. Addressing permits and legal obligations.

Editors are entrusted with the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Addressing the needs of both readers and authors.
  2. Striving for continuous enhancement of publication quality.
  3. Implementing processes to ensure the quality of published content.
  4. Prioritizing objective freedom of expression.
  5. Upholding the integrity of authors' academic records.
  6. Issuing corrections, clarifications, retractions, or apologies when necessary.
  7. Overseeing the style and format of written works, while holding authors accountable for content and statements.
  8. Actively seeking feedback from authors, readers, reviewers, and editorial board members to enhance publication quality.
  9. Advocating for journal assessment in the event of discrepancies.
  10. Supporting initiatives to mitigate research and publication errors by requesting authors to provide approved Ethical Clearance forms.
  11. Promoting awareness of publication ethics among researchers.
  12. Evaluating the impact of publication policies on authors and reviewers and enhancing them to foster accountability and minimize errors.
  13. Maintaining receptivity to divergent viewpoints and avoiding biased decisions.
  14. Encouraging authors to refine their works until deemed suitable for publication.

Bestari Partners (Reviewers) are assigned the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Reviewing assigned written works and submitting review outcomes to the editor for publication suitability determination.
  2. Abstaining from reviewing works involving themselves, directly or indirectly.
  3. Preserving authors' privacy by refraining from disseminating correction results and recommendations.
  4. Encouraging authors to enhance their works.
  5. Reviewing corrected works against predetermined standards.
  6. Conducting timely reviews in accordance with publication standards and scientific principles.

Authors bear the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Ensuring listed authors meet authorship criteria.
  2. Assuming collective responsibility for article content, including methods, analyses, calculations, and details.
  3. Disclosing resource origins, including funding, directly or indirectly.
  4. Acknowledging research limitations.
  5. Responding professionally and promptly to reviewer comments.
  6. Notifying the editor of withdrawal intentions.
  7. Asserting that submitted works are original, unpublished in any language, and not under consideration elsewhere.
  8. Utilizing plagiarism detection tools such as Turnitin to prevent plagiarism before submission.