Humor dalam Anime Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun


  • Devia Rizka Athaariqaa Center for Foreign Language Training Semarang



The purpose of this study was to describe humor based on the theory of incongruity in the 「月刊少女野崎ãã‚“ã€â€ Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun “ anime and categorized based on Graeme Ritchie theory. The data of this study were Nozaki Umetarou’s and Seo Yuzuki’s utterances in the Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun anime which assumed to contain incongruity in the character’s utterances thus creating humorous effect. The data were then gathered and analyzed based on the theory of incongruity by Immanuel Kant and categorized based on Graeme Ritchie theory. The research method used in this study was descriptive qualitative and under the study of pragmatics. In the Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun anime, the researcher found 20 dialogues  by Seo Yuzuki and Nozaki Umetarou which contained incongruity. The results of this study are, humour can be happened because the speaker's speech does not match with the expectations by the speech partner, then causing the speech partner to be surprised. The shock was realized as something funny by the speech partner. The types of incongruity that occur were inappropriateness, contrast, and conflict.


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