A Comparative study of Transfer Learning CNN for Flower Type Classification


  • Jaya Sumpena Institut Teknologi Garut




Flowers are plants that had many types and often found around. But because the many types of flowers, sometimes difficult to distinguish the type from one flower to another. Therefore, in this study, will discuse about the process of identification and classification of flower types, namely daisy, dandelion, rose, sunflower and tulip. The data that would used in this research is image data that consisting of 764 daisy images, 1052 dandelion images, 784 rose images, 733 sunflower images and 984 tulip images. From the total images used, would be divided again into 60% training data, 30% testing data and 10% validation data that would been used to train and evaluate the CNN model. In this study, the classification process would using transfer learning CNN method using the DenseNet and NasNetLarge architectures, which later from these two architectures would compare to find which architecture is best for classifying flower types. The results that obtained after testing in this study are in the flower classification process using the DenseNet architecture to get a test accuracy of 89% and using the NasLargeNet architecture to get a test accuracy of 86%.


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