About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Journal of Applied Intelligent System (JAIS) is published by the Department of Informatics Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang and IndoCEISS, which focuses on research in Intelligent System.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Biometric, image processing, computer vision, knowledge discovery in database, information retrieval, computational intelligence, fuzzy logic, signal processing, speech recognition, speech synthesis, natural language processing, data mining, adaptive game AI, smart city technology and framework.

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by reviewers appointed by the editor in his area of expertise. Decision for acceptance / rejection of the manuscript will be notified in writing via email. Authors are given an opportunity for two weeks to make improvements (revised) manuscript on the basis of recommendations / suggestions from the reviewer and editor.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Ethics

These guidelines are designed to ensure the integrity, quality, and ethical conduct of research published in the "Journal of Applied Intelligent System." Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to adhere to these principles to maintain the credibility and reputation of the journal within the scientific community.

1. Authorship and Contributorship:
- All authors must have made significant contributions to the research presented in the manuscript and should be listed as co-authors.
- It is important to acknowledge the contributions of all individuals who have significantly contributed to the work but do not meet the criteria for authorship.

2. Originality and Plagiarism:
- Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original work of the authors.
- Plagiarism in any form, including self-plagiarism, is unacceptable.
- Authors should appropriately cite and reference the work and ideas of others.

3. Conflict of Interest:
- Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that may influence the research or its interpretation in the manuscript.
- Editors and reviewers must also declare any conflicts of interest that could affect their impartiality in evaluating the manuscript.

4. Data Integrity and Reproducibility:
- Authors should provide accurate and complete data and should not manipulate or falsify research results.
- Raw data supporting the findings in the manuscript should be made available to editors and reviewers upon request.
- Authors should provide sufficient detail and methodology to allow others to replicate the research.

5. Ethical Treatment of Subjects:
- Research involving human subjects or animals must have been conducted in accordance with relevant ethical standards and regulations.
- Authors must obtain appropriate informed consent from human subjects and must minimize harm to participants in their research.

6. Review Process:
- The peer review process should be fair, objective, and timely.
- Reviewers and editors should evaluate manuscripts based on their scientific merit, originality, and relevance to the journal's scope.
- Reviewers should provide constructive feedback to authors to help improve the quality of their work.

7. Publication and Author Responsibilities:
- Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts comply with the journal's formatting and submission guidelines.
- Authors should promptly inform the editor if they discover any significant errors or inaccuracies in their published work.
- Authors should not submit the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously.

8. Corrections and Retractions:
- The journal will consider issuing corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern if errors or ethical issues are identified in published articles.
- Corrections and retractions should be issued transparently and promptly to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.

9. Editorial Independence:
- Editorial decisions should be based solely on the scientific merit of the manuscript and its relevance to the journal's scope.
- Editors should not allow personal or professional biases to influence their decision-making process.

10. Confidentiality:
- Editors, reviewers, and staff members must maintain the confidentiality of unpublished manuscripts and should not use the information for their personal gain.


Journal History

Journal of Applied Intelligent System (JAIS) was first published in 2016 by the Department of Informatics Universitas Dian Nuswantoro and IndoCEISS to accommodate research publications in the intelligent system field.