Optimization of Yolov5 Hyperparameter Using Adam Optimizer in Vehicle Object Detection


  • Bambang Irawan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Pulung Nurtantio Andono Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Ruri Suko Basuki Universitas Dian Nuswantoro




Utilization of computer vision can be applied in various aspects of daily life, reducing dependence on human labor. One of its implementations is in industry, such as in the production process of motorized vehicles, to sort or classify parts or goods. The computer vision process involves many stages, such as image capture, image processing, image analysis, image recognition, and decision-making. In the automotive industry, computer vision has been used in autonomous or driverless electric vehicles, as well as in creating intelligent transportation systems. To detect objects in real-time, one of the options that can be used is to use the YOLO algorithm, which can detect objects in one stage with predictions of bounding boxes and class probabilities simultaneously. However, although YOLO has good performance, the architecture has some drawbacks, such as complexity and complicated hyperparameter congurations. To remedy this, the Adam optimization algorithm was introduced, which combines the momentum and RMSprop algorithms to adjust the learning rate adaptively and provide faster convergence in model training. This is evidenced by an increase in the value of mAP on Yolov5. These results prove that the Yolov5 method with Adam`s optimization is better than the Yolov5 method without optimization.

Author Biography

Bambang Irawan, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Magister Teknik Informatika


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