Goods Inventory System Using Visual Basic.Net at PT. Mitra New Grain with Waterfall Method


  • Eva Ferawati Universitas Pelita Bangsa
  • Donny Maulana Universitas Pelita Bangsa
  • Ismasari Nawangsih Universitas Pelita Bangsa



This research is motivated by the process of making raw material inventory stocks that still use paper and have not been connected to the database. The problems that arise in the company are regarding the stock of goods, the process of reporting incoming and outgoing goods is still by handwriting which results in calculation errors and differences between physical data and record data. The design of this raw material information system uses the Visual Basic.Net programming language and SQL Server as a database. The system development model used is the waterfall model, analysis and design using diagrams contained in UML. While data collection techniques use research methods by means of observation, interviews, and literature studies. The purpose of this research is to design a raw material inventory information system that can support all incoming and outgoing inventory activities in the company. The result of this research is a desktop-based inventory system application that can assist in processing inventory data and reporting data.


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