Time Series Forecasting of Top 3 Ranking Cryptocurrencies





Cryptocurrency has become a phenomenon worldwide. Although not all countries have legalized it, it is considered a promising investment asset. Currently, there are three top-ranking cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether. This research aims to compare the performance of five forecasting algorithms, namely Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, Linear Regression, and Generalized Linear Model, using the dataset of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether cryptocurrencies. The research methodology employed is Knowledge Discovery In Databases (KDD). The technique involves assessing the performance based on the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and comparing the results to find the most optimal model performance. The research findings indicate that for Bitcoin cryptocurrency, the Neural Network algorithm produced the most optimal results with an RMSE of 9180.534. For Ethereum cryptocurrency, the Neural Network algorithm demonstrated the best performance with an RMSE value of 537.528. Furthermore, for Tether cryptocurrency, the ARIMA algorithm yielded the best performance with an RMSE value of 0.003. Keywords – bitcoin, cryptocurrency, ethereum, forecasting, tether


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