Harnessing Item Features to Enhance Recommendation Quality of Collaborative Filtering


  • Folasade Olubusola Isinkaye Department of Computer Science, Ekiti State University.




Recommendation systems provide ways of directing users to items that may be relevant to them by guiding them to relevant items that will be suitable to the users according to their profiles. Collaborative filtering is one of the most successful and mature techniques of recommender system because of its domain independent ability. Bayesian Personalized Ranking Smart Linear Model (BPRSLIM) is model-based collaborative filtering (CF) recommendation algorithm that usually reconstructs a scanty user-item matrix directly; also, using only user-rating matrix usually prevents the algorithm from accessing relevant information that could enhance its recommendation accuracy. Therefore, this work reconstructs BPRSLIM user-item rating matrix via item feature information in order to improve its performance accuracy. Comprehensive experiments were carried out on a real-world dataset using different evaluation metrics.  The performance of the model showed significant improvement in recommendation accuracy when compared with other top-N collaborative filtering-based recommendation algorithms, especially in precision and nDCG with 30.6% and 22.1% respectively.


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