Data Security Using Color Image Based on Beaufort Cipher, Column Transposition and Least Significant Bit (LSB)


  • Lekso Budi Handoko Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Chaerul Umam Universitas Dian Nuswantoro



One of cryptography algorithm which used is beaufort cipher. Beaufort cipher has simple encryption procedure, but this algorithm has good enough endurance to attack. Unauthorized people cannot break up decrypt without know matrix key used. This algorithm used to encrypt data in the form of text called plaintext. The result of this algorithm is string called ciphertext which difficult to understood that can causing suspicious by other people. Beaufort cipher encryption tested with avalanche effect algorithm with modified one, two, three and all key matrix which resulting maximum 31.25% with all key modification so another algorithm is needed to get more secure. Least Significant Bit (LSB) used to insert ciphertext created to form of image. LSB chosen because easy to use and simple, just alter one of last bit image with bit from message. LSB tested with RGB, CMYK, CMY and YUV color modes inserted 6142 characters resulting highest PSNR value 51.2546 on YUV color mode. Applying steganography technique has much advantage in imperceptibility, for example the image product very similar with original cover image so the difference can not differentiate image with human eye vision. Image that tested as much ten images, that consist of five 512 x 512 and five 16 x 16 image. While string message that used is 240, 480 and 960 character to test 512 x 512 image and 24, 48 and 88 character to test 16 x 16 image. The result of experiment measured with Mean Square Error (MSE) and Peak Signal Ratio (PSNR) which has minimum PSNR 51.2907 dB it means stego image that produced hood enough. Computation time calculation using tic toc in matlab resulting fastest value 0.041636 to encrypt 2000 character and the longest time is 4.10699 second to encrypt 6000 character and inserting to image. Amount of character and amount of multi algorithm can affecting computation time calculation.


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