Fuzzy Logic for Determination of Community Assistance Using the Tsukamoto Method for Residents of Kasreman Village, Rembang


  • Dahlan Dahlan Politeknik TEDC Bandung
  • Dini Rohmayani Politeknik TEDC Bandung
  • Rachmat Iskandar Politeknik TEDC Bandung




The obstacle to regional progress and the main cause of social problems is due to the large number of poor people, so there must be a poverty management program by the government, one of which is citizen assistance. The selection process by the local village apparatus is very much needed in the process of determining the recipients of citizen assistance, because the quota for the recipients of citizen assistance is less than that of registrants for citizen assistance. The distribution of aid does not fall to the right party resulting in injustice to other underprivileged families so that it creates several problems, where the method that will be used is Tsukamoto's Fuzzy Logic. In this study, the data used are land area, income of residents, number of dependents of the family. The evaluation method carried out in this study is using a confusion matrix, for one test the level of accuracy produced is 92.74%. Based on the experiment, it can be concluded that the Tsukamoto algorithm is quite accurate in determining citizen assistance to the residents of Kasreman Village, Rembang.


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