Data Mining Algorithm Testing For SAND Metaverse Forecasting


  • Indri Tri Julianto Institut Teknologi Garut
  • Dede Kurniadi Institut Teknologi Garut
  • Muhammad Rikza Nashrulloh Institut Teknologi Garut
  • Asri Mulyani Institut Teknologi Garut



Metaverse is a technology that allows us to buy virtual land. In the future life in the real world can be duplicated into the Metaverse to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and a world without being limited by space and time. To buy land in the Metaverse, one can be done by using SAND. SAND is a crypto asset from a game called The Sandbox which functions as a transaction tool where in that game we can buy land and build it for various purposes just like we can store our Non-Fungible Tokens there. Metaverse is a digital business that will promise in the future because it offers easy and fast transactions. This study aims to compare the exact algorithm for making predictions about the SAND cryptocurrency used to buy Metaverse land. 7 algorithms are being compared, namely Deep Learning, Linear Regression, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Generalized Linear Models, Gaussian Process, and K-Nearest Neighbors. The research method used is Knowledge Discovery in Databases. The research results show that the Support Vector Machines Algorithm has the most optimal Root Means Square Error value, root_mean_squared_error: 0.022 +/- 0.062 (micro average: 0.062 +/- 0.000). Based on this comparison, the Support Vector Machines Algorithm is suitable for predicting SAND Metaverse prices.


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