Transfer Learning with Xception Architecture for Snakefruit Quality Classification


  • Rismiyati Rismiyati Universitas Diponegoro
  • Ardytha Luthfiarta Universitas Dian Nuswantoro



Machine learning has been greatly used in the field of image classification. Several machine learning techniques perform very well in this task. The development of machine learning technique in recent years are in the direction of deep learning. One of the main challenge of deep learning is that it requires the number of the samples to be extremely large for the model to perform well. This is because the number of feature that trainable parameter are huge. One of the solution to overcome this is by introducing transfer learning. One of the architecture that is currently introduced is Xception architecture. This architecture is claimed to outperform VGG16, ResNet50, and inception in terms of model accuracy and model size. This research aims to classify snakefruit quality by using transfer learning with Xception architecture. This is to explore possibility to achieve better result as Xception architecture generally perform better than other available architecture in transfer learning. The snakefruit quality is classified into two classes. Hyperparameter value is optimized by several scenario to determine the best model. The best performance is achieved by using learning rate of 0.0005, momentum 0.9 and dropout value of 0 or 0.25. The accuracy achieved is 94.44%.


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