Gold Price Prediction Using Support Vector Regression


  • Yupie Kusumawati Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang
  • Karis Widyatmoko Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Candra Irawan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang



In this modern era, one of the businesses that continues to grow is investment. Gold has a more stable value. In Indonesia, there are futures exchange companies that offer gold investment with an online transaction system (E-Trade). The amount of demand and supply, the rate of inflation, economic conditions, and many more can affect the high and low prices of gold. Due to changes in the conditions above, the price of gold may increase, decrease, or remain constant every day. The price of gold that can go up and down causes the need for gold price predictions so that future gold trading investment prospects can be seen. In this final project, the accuracy of Support Vector Regression will be investigated to find out how accurate it is in predicting gold prices with High, Low, Open, Close, and Volume variables. Based on the calculation of the best RMSE in the study, it was found that the best RMSE was to use a Linear kernel with a C of 35 and using a Y variable dataset of 7.4615. The Support Vector Regression Algorithm can predict quite well, as evidenced by the acquisition of fairly good RMSE results. It is necessary to do a simulation of buying and selling gold based on the prediction results and comparing the advantages of the testing data and the actual data.


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